54: The Man Who Wanted To Commit Suicide

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"001, come out for me! I know you are here, don't think I will forget the good things you did in the last world if you hide and keep quiet!" Jiang Qiyi returned to the system space, and started to write down the notebook from the world of Inuyasha Just opened the account.

The reason 001 didn't congratulate Jiang Qi the first time he came back was because he knew what the host wanted to settle with him. Responded weakly: [...Master Host. 】

Jiang Qi sneered: "I'll take out my emotions first , and then I'll settle the score with you slowly."

001 started obediently, and a transparent gas floated out of Jiang Qi's body. Dobby didn't see anything wrong with the gas, so he let the gas float in the system space at will.

It doesn't matter where you put it anyway.

001 fawningly transformed into a sofa behind Jiang Qi, and a cup of tea in front of him floated in mid-air out of thin air.

[Master host, please sit down quickly, come and drink tea to quench your thirst. 】

Jiang Qi sat down expressionlessly.

"1: The extra lottery you promised me last time was not fulfilled.

2: Why is San Mao in the hunter world a dog general?! And not only the dog general, even Xiba I also crossed over. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha were also reborn! The dog general from the parallel world also ran over, are you going to test how strong my mental endurance is!"

Jiang Qi didn't mention it, 001 didn't realize that it actually appeared After making so many mistakes, I quickly apologized: [I'm sorry, Mr. Host, I forgot the last time I gave you a lottery draw]"

Actually, I didn't forget it at all, I just thought Jiang Qi had forgotten it so I didn't give it. [The space-time wall of the last two worlds Because there were outsiders trying to invade, it was a bit unstable, which led to so many original characters being reborn and crossing.]

Jiang Qi raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Outsiders? Did you find out who it was?

001: [Not yet, this outsider is very cunning, and he hasn't found a trace of him until now.]

Jiang Qi was thoughtful. "You've been checking the magnetic field around time and space? "

001: 【Hmm!】

Jiang Qi: So I haven't checked the system space.

Jiang Qi rolled his eyes, not in the slightest frightened, but felt at ease when he thought of the word "outsider". He didn't mean to remind 001, so it was his revenge.

"Will this kind of thing happen again next time?!"

001 is not sure: [I will strictly control it, it should be... no, right? ]


[Promise not! ! ]

↑After a few worlds, you will be slapped in the face by this sentence.

Jiang Qi: "Forget it, I won't pursue it anymore, you give me a lottery draw, and I'll go to rest after the lottery draw."

001 Happy: [The host is so kind \(^▽^)/! ]

[Ding, the reward draw is in progress, the draw has been completed...]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the advanced skill "Beast Control" and 12 suites of middle skills. ]

Jiang Qi: "..."

001: [...] Can it say that this is really random?

The corners of Jiang Qi's mouth twitched. He waited for the skill "Beast Controlling Art" to automatically drill into his body to learn, before he hugged the entire 12 books in his arms.

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