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    When Jiang Qi learned that he actually gave Die Die the first drama in which the protagonist became the actor, his heart was complicated.

    It turns out that the protagonist who likes acting so much in the original book (seems like there is something wrong...), did he give up because of his one sentence?

    "Tang Han..." Jiang Qi looked hesitant, glanced at the busy figure in the kitchen and moved away, looked over again, hesitated to speak, wondering if Tang Han should be made a star.

    Tang Han came out with preserved egg and lean meat porridge, and said with a smile, "What's the matter? Are you hungry? Come on, my husband will feed you~" Jiang

    Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said with a sideways face: "Wait a minute, I have something to tell you."

    Because it is Summer, so Tang Han was only wearing a vest at this time, showing his strong and smooth muscle lines. He raised his arms and hugged Jiang Qi in his arms, let him sit on his lap, and snorted hotly in his ears: "What's the matter?"

    "...Why did you reject Auntie's proposal to let you join the crew?" Jiang Qi held back the restlessness in his heart and said calmly.

    "That's it." Tang Han said, "Of course I won't go if you don't like it." "

    ...Actually, you don't have to care about what I think, I think it's good to be a star..."

    "Little liar!" Tang Han slapped Patted on Jiang Qi's upturned buttocks, rubbing the tip of his nose against Jiang Qi's slightly red face due to low fever: "I won't do things that Xiao Qi doesn't like, and being a celebrity is troublesome, not only have to deal with so many circles People still don’t have freedom anytime, anywhere, so I won’t be able to make out with you anytime, anywhere.”

    Jiang Qi, who was still a little moved when he heard the front, twitched the corner of his mouth.

    After Tang Han finished speaking, he reached into Jiang Qi's clothes and touched again and again. He was about to do something bad, but Jiang Qi stopped his hand in time.

    Jiang Qi: A little bastard with a sperm on his brain.

    Jiang Qi pulled his hand out, looked at the aggrieved face of the other party, pointed to the food on the table and said, "Anyway, it's the result of your busy hour, it would be a waste if you don't eat."

    Because he was ill with a low fever, the dinner table was almost full of light dishes.

    Tang Han licked the piece of meat on the back of his neck: "It's the same while cooking and eating." After eating

    the meal with relish, Jiang Qi said that he had never had such a tiring lunch, he was so tired that he didn't want to move a finger .

    Tang Han carried him to the bathroom to clean up, and then carried him into the room to let him have a good rest. Jiang Qi was indeed too tired, and almost fell asleep when he touched the pillow.

    Tang Han cleaned up the mess they made, and went back to the bedroom to sit on the edge of the bed, with a smile on his lips, staring at him without blinking, full of joy and happiness almost overflowing. How could he like this person so much, so much that he couldn't help but lock him up and show him alone every day.

    Gradually dissatisfied with the status quo, the man went to bed and hugged him with his back...


    Tang Han frowned, stood up cautiously, and then tucked in the quilt before leaving.

    Open the door, a familiar person stands outside the door.

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