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    Xiao Yuanshan is exactly the age of a dragon and a tiger, young and brave, and he has just had sex, and the person in his arms is still the person he has secretly loved in his dream for so long, and he is even more reluctant to let go, so Jiang Qi couldn't bear it.


    Jiang Qi raised his sore leg, pressed the sole of his foot against someone's face with a black face, and stepped on it hard, but forgot that he was weak. In the eyes of men, this is almost nothing to flirting and seduction The difference, the delicate and lovely feet were held and kissed by the man.

    Dead pervert!

    Sure enough, no matter which world he is in, this man is still such an idiot and pervert! !

    Seeing that the man was about to pounce on him with red eyes, Jiang Qi quickly withdrew his feet and got into the quilt, wrapping himself tightly, leaving no gaps except for his small face.

    Jiang Qi's red eyes looked a little pitiful: "It's all swollen."

    Xiao Yuanshan's ears felt hot, and he turned his head very honestly: "I...I'll let the servants take...no, I'll bring the water in..." Even if There was a bed cover to hide people, and he didn't want others to come in.

    Jiang Qi watched his fleeing back for a few seconds, then slowly pulled up the quilt and covered his face shyly.

    My heart is sweet.


    Because it was not in the Central Plains, although the wedding was held in the Central Plains way, it was not in the Central Plains. According to the customs of the Liao Kingdom, there was no need to see the in-law's family early the next morning.

    Xiao Yuanshan was an orphan again, so he saved the steps of seeing his parents, so Jiang Qi lay down on the bed with peace of mind.

    By the time he was able to get out of bed tremblingly, three days had passed since the wedding.

    There are maidservants waiting outside the door. They have blushed from the first day to the moment they heard the movement without changing their expressions. After hearing the noise from inside the door, they went in to serve calmly.

    The maid in pink combed Jiang Qi's black hair enviously, and wanted to say a few words of praise but was afraid of poking Madam's sore spot.

    To say that the lady she serves is excellent everywhere, the only imperfection is the huge gash on the lady's face, which is cut by someone. There is a flaw on the delicate face, and I don't know which cruel person.

    Jiang Qi didn't feel much about the damage to his appearance, so he refused the maid to put makeup on his face to cover the scars, and asked, "Where is Xiao Yuanshan?

    " Immediately said: "The master went out to hunt with the king early in the morning."

    "Hunting?" Jiang Qi's eyes lit up, and his heart was ready to move: "I want to go too!"

    This is the ancient Daliao, don't go and see What a waste!

    The maidservant was startled: "Ma'am, you can't do it!"

    Jiang Qi: "Why? Don't they go out with their female relatives?!" If he heard the word "not bring these two words", at worst he would wear men's clothing and act like a man!

    The maidservant wanted to cry without tears, "Ma'am, the lord and the lord have set off long ago, and looking at the time, they will be back soon...you..."

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