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    In order to prevent Jiang Qi from being scared away by him, Nuliang Huapiao adjusted his shortness of breath, and it was exactly the same when he gradually fell asleep. In fact, he was always paying attention to Jiang Qi's every move in his heart.

    Jiang Qi warmed his body up a bit before rubbing against Nuliang's slippery hand, carefully touching him, his breathing gradually became calmer, and he even snored cutely.

    The corner of Nuliang Huapiao's mouth curled up slightly, so cute.

    After a while, the man gently lifted the quilt, and he saw the little man who shrunk himself into a ball. He was distressed and helpless, but he didn't dare to make a big move, so he could only leave a gap for the other party Can breathe fresh air.

    But he probably forgot that Jiang Qi was a ghost in the first place, and it doesn't matter if he has fresh air or not.

    the next morning.

    Jiang Qi opened his eyes in a daze, but as soon as he opened his eyes, he was startled by the big face that suddenly appeared in his eyes.

    "...Nu Liang Hua Piao???" Jiang Qi took several steps back again and again, turned his head to look at the bright sky outside, and then looked at the disheveled man.

    It's strange, shouldn't Nuliang Huapiao should have gone out at this time? ? ?

    Could it be... that

    the other party finally couldn't bear to stay in his bed anymore? ! (Fearful face)

    The more Jiang Qi thought about it, the more anxious he became. He swallowed his saliva and wanted to run away as soon as possible.

    Grabbed by Nu Liang Hua Piao who found out his intentions, he said helplessly: "Do you really hate me that much? You don't even want to look at me or stay with me for a while." Jiang Qi stared at him with wide eyes

    , This man is too shameless! Obviously it was the other party who told him that he didn't like him, but now he's beating him up again!

    Angrily, he crossed his waist and twisted his body, saying: "The big leader is joking, how dare I hate you! You have so much yang energy in your body, it's too late for me to like it."

    Nuliang Huapiao pulled the corners of his mouth down and his eyes sank. If one of the reasons for rejecting Jiang Qi's confession before was that he didn't recognize his own intentions, then the other reason was Yang Qi. The other party keeps saying that he likes him, isn't it because he has a lot of yang energy? What if Jiang Qi meets another person or monster with more yang energy than him? Does Jiang Qi also want to kiss each other? What's more, it is the exchange of body fluids.

    Nuliang Huapiao remembered clearly that because of his refusal, Jiang Qi ran to find the bull ghost in the next second! !

    At that moment the man snorted coldly: "Yang Qi? You don't have any other thoughts about me other than Yang Qi?"

    Jiang Qi muttered in a low voice: "I have a lot of thoughts."


    "No!" Jiang Qi was afraid that he would yell He quickly shook his head and said no. But I don't know if he read it wrong, I always feel that Nuliang Huapiao's face is even more gloomy.

    Nuliang Huapiao sneered, and said, "Get bigger."

    Jiang Qi opened his small mouth and made a surprised movement, "Huh?"

    "Don't play dumb." Sleeping with me on my bed at night, you should eat a lot of Yang Qi, right? It’s definitely okay to get bigger.”

    Jiang Qi twisted and retorted weakly: “I want to save a little more.”

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