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    When singing, Jiang Qi didn't use the skill Siren's singing. First, he disliked it being too troublesome. Second, he simply felt that his voice was already so good, and using his mental ability was completely superfluous.

    After recording the song, Jiang Qi clicked to save, and then entered the a website registered by the original owner. The a website is not big, it can be said that it is very small. not famous.

    Although the website is not big, it has existed in the high-risk world of hunters for several years, and it has its advantages.

    For example, there are separate rewards and online interaction functions on website a, etc. Jiang Qi only stayed on the reward for a while, and skipped the others at a glance.

    Interact with the audience? Oh, he won't do it.

    Log in to the account and password given on the information, delete all the songs sung before on the account, and click to upload the newly recorded song.

    The upload was successful √There

    will be no one just uploading, Jiang Qi touched his empty stomach, turned off the computer, walked around the kitchen, and luckily found a lot of ingredients.

    Jiang Qi, who was cooking in the kitchen, naturally didn't know that the songs he uploaded had already been listened to.


    The website administrator, Mark, was boringly scrolling through the song list as usual. Looking at the almost unchanged rankings and the memorized song titles, he said helplessly, "It's been almost three days, and no new song has been uploaded."

    The colleague said calmly: "I haven't seen new songs uploaded for seven days in a row."     Mark: "Oh, these are the playlists

    every day."

Ghost cries are wolf howls. Most of those who sing a little better have gone to the hunter test. Those who pass the test still come to sing, and those who fail the test are basically dead. Those who don’t die are either useless or have psychological shadows.” Mark: “

    Hunter Ah...I'm so envious..."

    "Ding dong—a song has been uploaded."

    "Hey!! Here it comes." Mark came back to his senses in an instant, and straightened his back excitedly. "Majestic? You can tell it's that kind of passionate song at a glance..."

    The colleague sneered: "Hey, it's probably that kind of wailing..."

    "Ah ↑ ah ↑ ah ↑ ah~~"

    "Ah ↑ ah ↑ ah ↑Ah~~"

    The colleague was about to blurt out the words and stopped abruptly. Mark, who said it was a passionate song, also stiffened his body, opened his mouth slightly, and the non-stop panting sound from the computer screen penetrated into his ears, making the two adults present The man froze directly.

    It was as if a tingling electric current was transmitted from the toes to the top of the head.

    "...Boldly picked off the forbidden fruit,

    the sweet taste, closed eyes, took a sneak bite,

    touched the deepest core, and

    the body began to tremble~~"

    Listening to such explicit and shameful lyrics, Mark and his colleagues blushed their ears silently, their faces flushed with shame, and even more so It's a shame that they listened hard! Listen hard! ! ! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴

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