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    Shen Zijin briefly introduced his identity. Although his words and tone did not mean to show off, Jiang Qixing could tell from his expression that this man should have a high status. And rich.

    High status and rich, not only young but also handsome, Jiang Qi took out his mobile phone and searched for the name Shen Zijin on the Internet.

    Soon, his biography was found online.

    Shen Zijin, the president of the top 50 Shen Group in the world, is well-deserved at the helm. His grandfather is the richest man in the world, his father is the mayor, and his grandfather is... very good. Seeing this, Jiang Qi feels that there is no need to read on. Legend has it that Characters that only appear in novels.

    Jiang Qi endured and endured, and finally couldn't restrain himself from complaining. Fuck this is the winner in life, right? ! This person was born with his own obsession! ! !

    Seeing the baby ignoring him, Shen Gougou, the president of Shenda University, consciously stretched out the dog's head, rubbed his cheek to his ear, and exhaled warm breath on Jiang Qi's sensitive place. "Baby, just ask me what you want to know, you can't trust everything on the Internet." He stretched out his uninjured hand as he spoke.

    Jiang Qi stretched out his hand to throw away the dog's paw on his waist, and covered his mouth in a little distress.

    How good are the men in his family, what should he do to marry him back home.

    Is it still too late to make money from now on...

    President Shen Da was thrown away by his lover, he was nervous for a while, and found that his lover didn't pursue it, and then his self-confidence suddenly swelled up, and he quietly rolled away A corner of his clothes revealed a small piece of fair and tender skin.

    Shen Zijin swallowed his saliva, although he didn't know how many bed sheets he had with Jiang Qi in which world, but the real body was still a pure place.

    In the past, he was not keen on this kind of thing at all, and he didn't want to sweat all over because of his serious cleanliness.

    But having a sweetheart is different. As long as Shen Zijin thinks that the person who is sweating profusely with him is a baby, his adrenal hormones will rise rapidly, and he quickly set up a tent.

    So, Jiang Qi, who was still thinking about how to make money so that he could marry someone back home, was hugged by a man without paying attention. When he felt an itch in his chest, a burst of electric current swept through his body, and he suddenly came back from the depths of his mind, he realized that he was sitting in Shen Zijin's arms, and his clothes had been rolled up at some point. When he got up, a big hairy head was buried on his chest.

    Jiang Qi was forced to hug his head, feeling ashamed and angry, grabbed his hair, "Bastard! Get out!" His

    tone was soft and sticky, without the slightest hint of cruelty. Not only was Shen Zijin not afraid, but he became more and more courageous. The older I got, I kissed the baby's cute belly button, and said: "I miss you so much, baby, I've been thinking about you all the way since I woke up, and I want to take you home and lock you by my side, every day I see you I am alone, I want to take off your clothes, eat you and enter you so that you will never be able to leave me for the rest of your life..."

    Jiang Qi slapped him backhand if he was so perverted and coquettish.

    Jiang Qi smiled: "Can you say it again if you have the ability?"

    Shen Zijin: "_(:3∠)_Huh..."

    I dare not, I am afraid.

    The man who didn't dare to speak again buried his head aggrieved, and didn't dare to continue what he had just done.

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