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    The price for letting himself go was that Jiang Qi lay in bed for three days, and Jiang Qi could barely get out of bed on the fourth day.

    Anyway, he didn't want to do such an intense exercise again in this month.

    "Ma'am?" Xiao Yuanshan had just returned from exercising. He looked for no one in the room, frowned, and turned his steps. Sure enough, he found the beauty lying on the beauty couch somewhere in the backyard.

    Xiao Yuanshan felt a little ashamed. He thought that his wife would lie in bed for two more days, but in three days he was able to get out of bed and walk around. It really is because his ability is not enough! !

    ↑If Jiang Qi knew what you were thinking, he would be so frightened that he would go back and lie down for another two days!

    Xiao Yuanshan didn't go to Jiang Qi's place immediately, but went to wash up first. Madam usually likes to be clean, but he is sweaty all over, so it would be bad if he gets dirty with Madam.

    Jiang Qi closed his eyes and was taking a nap, Xiao Yuanshan came over lightly, with his index finger between his lips, motioning the maidservants to keep silent, and waved them back.

    Xiao Yuanshan covered Jiang Qi with a mink fur, no matter how lightly he moved, Jiang Qi could not help but feel it.

    "Huh? You're back..." Jiang Qi opened his eyes sleepily, and obediently rubbed his cheek against the back of Xiao Yuanshan's hand.

    Sure enough, Madam is the best when she is not angry.

    Xiao Yuanshan picked her up, and took the opportunity to go to the beauty's couch. Jiang Qi exclaimed, and the next second he was lying on the other's body, with a fluffy mink fur covering both of them.

    Xiao Yuanshan said softly: "The weather is getting colder, madam, please keep warm."

    Jiang Qi lay on him, put his cool hands on the other's chest muscles, and squinted his eyes comfortably: "It's warm now."

    Xiao Yuanshan said distressedly: "Why are your hands so cold? Did you stay here for a long time again?!"

    Jiang Qi looked away guiltily: "It's natural for a calm mind to be cool."

    Xiao Yuanshan: "If you like this place, I'll let people surround it and bring some charcoal over here..."

    "Don't—" Jiang Qi hurriedly interrupted him: "I thought the scenery here was pretty good, and I could blow the wind. , you have surrounded this place, what am I looking at?"

    Xiao Yuanshan pursed his lips.

    Jiang Qi had nothing to do with this damned man, so he had to compromise with both hands: "Okay, okay, as long as it's winter, I promise not to come and lie down here, okay?" Xiao Yuanshan: "     You

    can't lie down for too long at other times."

You are up to you!"

    Xiao Yuanshan rubbed against him dotingly, Jiang Qi's face was stung by his beard, and he wrinkled his face and avoided, "You should cut your beard!"

    Xiao Yuanshan remained silent, disdainful in his heart, and joked , beard is a proof of a man, his dignity! He doesn't cut it!

    Jiang Qi: "Don't kiss me if you don't cut it."

    Xiao Yuanshan's body froze, and the two battled in his mind. The man's dignity was beaten to pieces and bruised all over by the wife who couldn't kiss his wife if he didn't cut it.

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