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    Jiang Qi, who was tied up, twisted his small body weakly into the shape of Xizi holding a heart. "Hmm~"

    Nuliang Huapiao, who was very anxious, felt a throbbing pain in his heart. He knew that the other party was crying fake, but he still felt distressed: "...Xiaoqi.

    " Seeing such a look on his face, feeling the wave of murderous intent coming from the other party, he raised his head and laughed, "I never thought that the big leader, Nura Hua, would have a day of fear haha—" Scared

    ? How could he be afraid? !

    Nuliang Huapiao wanted to refute, but suddenly found that he couldn't even laugh, his chest refused to beat, and the throbbing heart all reminded him of the importance he attached to Jiang Qi.

    This is not right! Nuliang Huapiao became serious, he had only known Jiang Qi for less than two days, how could he lose his composure because of a ghost who was less than two days old?

    If it wasn't for him, then it might be...

    Nuliang Huapiao looked at Jiang Qi.

    Jiang Qi: "Hey..."

    Nuliang Huapiao hurriedly looked away: "..." It's too fake.

    He couldn't believe that such a stupid ghost would successfully assassinate him.

    Yao'e: "Master Nuliang~ If you want this little thing to have no physical defects, you'd better put down your weapon~" He said, looking down at the little thing he caught by chance playfully, seeing clearly his body. Behind the face, the body was stunned, and the surroundings suddenly became gloomy, "How about this face of yours~"

    Jiang Qi: "Bah(*`へ′*)"

    Yao'e sighed regretfully: "It's a pity, why do you It's so small..." If it was bigger, he could peel off this face and stick it on his face.

    Jiang Qi: "Yes, you are so ugly."

    Binding Jiang Qi's hair, he flew in front of Yao'e, and his slender white and scary fingers lightly brushed Jiang Qi's face. "Don't say anything that annoys me, okay?"

    Nuliang Huapiao frightened everyone with a dark face.

    Jiang Qi: "Ouch—"

    Yao'e: "!"

    "What are you, brat!"

    Jiang Qi pursed his lips uncomfortably, "Your fingers stink."

    Yao'e's face changed, he who always loves cleanliness and beauty is the most cruel Said he was ugly or stinky. And Jiang Qi said all his two taboos in front of his face in just one minute. If he didn't want to keep the other party to restrain Nuliang, he would have killed this little thing long ago.

    Jiang Qi already felt a little regretful that he had been arrested. At first, he didn't feel it for a single strand of hair, but now when he got close to Yao'e, he could smell the stench emanating from the other party's body.

    But because I pretended to be weak, I had to endure this taste now.

    Jiang Qi instantly became pitiful. If Jiang Qi was pretending just now, it is undoubtedly true now. He pursed his mouth in grievance, and stared at Nuliang Huapiao with tears in his eyes.

    Nuliang Huapiao seemed to be shot in the heart by some bare-bottomed kid with a bow and arrow.


    This ghost must be performing a forbidden technique again! Nuliang Huapiao looked away, put his fist on his lips and coughed dryly twice. If you ignore his red ears, you will believe that he is calm and calm now, and said: "What do you want to do?" Yao'e didn't notice the

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