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    Yeluzong really thought so, and there was nothing strange in his heart. He looked Jiang Qi up and down, no matter how he looked, he looked like a good-looking boy, doubting: "My dear brother, is she really your "wife"?" Xiao Yuanshan

    laughed Said: "It has been thoroughly investigated, it is indeed."

    In-depth investigation... Poof -

    Yelu Zongzhen almost spit out his drink, and stared at Xiao Yuanshan dumbfounded. Is this old driver really that Xiao Yuanshan he knew who was neither humble nor overbearing? ? Could it be that it was dropped by someone? !

    Looking at the other party's very skillful pick of Jiang Qi's fishbone, with a doting look on his face, Yeluzong really had a sore tooth, so he took a sip of wine to relieve it.

    Jiang Qi's eyes widened, and his round eyes looked at him curiously.

    Yeluzong really thought he was cute for a moment, like a tiger-headed little hamster: "What are you looking at?"

    Jiang Qi: "Look at you."

    Yeluzong really laughed, touched his chin and said: "Do you think I am more handsome than Xiao Yuanshan? Too many."

    This is a language trap.

    Xiao Yuanshan paused, cast a glance at Yelu Zongzhen, and continued to pick fish bones as if nothing had happened. He seems calm and doesn't care, but in fact, it is obvious from the slowing down of picking fishbone that he cares a lot.

    Yeluzong is really a great king after all, and he cannot be said to be unattractive, so he has already waited for Jiang Qi's next sentence to be a compliment to the other party.

    Jiang Qi raised his eyebrows proudly: "Xianggong is the most handsome."

    He didn't say who is the most handsome, but said the word "Sanggong", with a straightforward and complacent look, not only did not offend Yelu Zongzhen, but his favor with him rose rapidly.

    Xiao Yuanshan grinned, showing his neat teeth, the doting in his eyes seemed to drown someone.

    "Madam is the most beautiful."

    Yelu Zongzhen: "..." After finally changing the topic, why did it become the show of your husband and wife's affection again?

    The corners of Yelu Zongzhen's mouth twitched, and he wanted to say a few more bad things about Xiao Yuanshan to test the relationship between the two of them, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't think of Xiao Yuanshan's shortcomings for a while, so he might be stupid, but he just named him as My lord, saying Xiao Yuanshan is stupid, isn't it a slap in the face that he misjudged the person? ! Let’s say he has no power to restrain a chicken. The status of the great commander is not just for fun. Let’s say he is cruel and heartless. Anyone on the street knows Xiao Yuanshan is honest and honest. Guard yourself like a jade...

    Hey wait! That's right, Xiao Yuanshan has a dream lover!

    Yeluzong's eyes lit up, and he said to Jiang Qi: "Sisters and sisters, do you know that there is always a dream lover in my heart?" "

    I know." Jiang Qi smiled all over his face.

    Yelu Zongzhen: ...Xiao Yuanshan even told you this! ?

    "Isn't it me?"

    Yeluzong was really stunned: "You didn't know each other at that time, did you?"

    Jiang Qi shook his wine glass, his brain was a little dull due to the smell of alcohol: "There is a saying in the Central Plains, called We will meet each other in our dreams."

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