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    Fei Ying was sitting in the yard thinking about life as usual. But the difference is that every time the servants passing by the yard were hesitant to speak, at first she was immersed in her own world and didn't notice it until her father found her hesitantly and said something inexplicably. A lot of words.

    Fei Yingxian, who was forced to instill her brain with chicken soup for the soul, looked confused: "???"

    Seeing her like this, her father stood up helplessly and sighed, and patted her shoulder affectionately for the first time, making Fei Ying The flattered colleague was even more confused: "Oh, forget about that human being, don't commit suicide."

    When is she going to commit suicide? ? ?

    After her father left, Fei Yingxian grabbed the passing servant and asked what happened.

    Then she finally knew the culprit of the rumors.

    "Pure-blooded Fei Yingxian committed suicide by jumping off a building"

    Fei Yingxian: "..."

    There is a sentence that mmp doesn't know whether to say or not!

    Even Fei Yingxian, who has always been calm, couldn't help but get angry at this moment, and asked the message angrily: "Aren't the bloggers afraid that Fei Yingxian will settle accounts with you for spreading rumors like this?!" However, she didn't wait until "my life is wonderful",

    because For some reason, some vampires who became Jiang Qi's brainless fans ridiculed her.

    "Founding rumors? When did the blogger spread rumors?"

    "Your id level should be newly registered. Newbies don't talk nonsense without evidence." "

    Yes, newbies, you didn't click to read the content of the article, obviously everything is wrong. It’s the truth.”

    “If you don’t know anything, don’t talk nonsense.”

    “That’s right, as a blogger, how can you spread rumors?” “

    The upstairs is a high-level hacker.”

    Fei Ying was so angry that she covered her heart and let it go .

    Well, she wants to see what the content is like! If it doesn't match the facts, hehe...

    the video with a sneer on his face, and the photo with Fei Yingxian's head portrait floating down from upstairs.

    Fei Yingxian: "..."

    The last photo that landed seemed to have slapped her face, making her not sure whether to be angry or laugh.

    Oh, but keep smiling.   

   " What about the newcomer, why didn't he come out? Have he already been conquered by the blogger 's integrity?" Feeling pitted.    

     Hey wait!    

    This shooting scene...    

     Fei Ying looked at the photo of her current cherry tree thoughtfully.    

     If she remembers correctly, this place is Jiulan's house, and the only person who has photographed him is... that daring human being! !    

     Fei Ying was busy clutching her chest again.  

     I'm so angry, but I can't go looking for trouble.   

     Even the man Jiulan Litu was ignored by that human being who posted photos at will on the Internet, let alone her. Even if she seeks trouble from humans, she will only get angry.   

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