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    Setsuna Mengwan was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he quickly applied the medicine to his wound.

    Sesshomaru: "..." I just asked you to give me the medicine, and I will do it myself.

    But since he had already applied it, he just called out: "Hurry up."

    Shan Na Mengwan's hand trembled, and almost dropped the medicine.

    "...Are you rushing back to go on a blind date?" Setsuna Mengwan thought of what the flea monster said, and couldn't help asking. When he asked this sentence, for some reason, he felt sore in his heart.

    He didn't even have a chance at all.

    Sesshomaru was a little impatient, and gave him a cold look.

    Setsuna Mengwan subconsciously shut up.

    This time he didn't dare to delay, quickly applied the medicine for him, Sesshomaru immediately disappeared in place, it seemed that he rushed back.

    Mingjia was stunned for a moment, then suddenly shouted and jumped: "Master Sesshomaru...Which...I forgot to tell you...You are going back at a late hour, the time set by Madam has already passed, you can go back now I can only obediently be arranged to recruit a son-in-law... _(:з"∠)_" His voice became smaller and smaller, because no matter how much he yelled, Sesshomaru would never hear him again. Mingjia: "...I

    still Stay outside for a few days and wait for Master Sesshomaru to forget about me before going back.

    Just as he was about to fly away, he suddenly found himself being pinched, and immediately yelled: "Who is it, who is so bold to pinch your Grandpa Mingjia! " "

    A handsome big face appeared in his line of sight, Mingjia said angrily: "Is it you human beings!" Let me go! "

    Setsuna Mengwan was expressionless: "Tell me, where is the place where Sesshomaru recruited a husband-in-law? ! "

    Mingjia put his hands on his hips, raised his chin and said disdainfully: "Why should I tell you! "

    Shina Mengwan narrowed his eyes, and exerted force with two fingers.

    "Wow, wow, Lord Mingjia is dying, Master Douya, hurry up and save your loyal servant!!" The

    dog general still has something to ask Mingjia, of course it is impossible to let Shanna Mengwan pinch him to death, "Let him go.

    " Wan ignored him, looked at Ming Jia with a painful face, and said indifferently: "I'll count to three, if you don't say it, you're going to die." "

    Three... two..."

    "Oh, don't count so fast! I said yes Can't you! It's in the imperial family of Xiguo! You'll know when you go there."

    Shan Namengwan let go of his fingers, and hurriedly ran towards the direction of Xiguo. Mingjia fell to the ground with a snap. Angrily got up and yelled at the humans running away quickly.

    However, what was waiting for him was the questioning of General Quan: "Mingjia, tell me, what happened to the husband-in-law that Sesshomaru recruited?!"

    Mingjia looked confused: "Master, don't you know about this?

    General Quan was more confused than him: "I know?" Why don't I know that I know ?

    Whoops, almost fainted by myself.

    Sixteen nights smiled: "General Quan, why don't you go and have a look to make it clear."

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