134: The Family Has A Loyal Dog, Boss Xiao

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Tang Aiqi couldn't get his boyfriend's mental activities at this time at all. He never thought that he would run into his parents in this way. Looking at his mother in men's clothing, not only did she not look feminine at all, but he sighed in his heart that if he didn't know that his mother was a woman, he might have doubted it.

Xue Tao smiled stiffly: "Uncle...Auntie?" He hesitated at the last call.

On Tang Han's stern face, he couldn't see the appearance of the previous rascal at all. The majestic aura was not something the two children could resist. They were sweating profusely, which showed that they were quite frightened.

"Heh..." Tang Han suddenly put away his momentum, and both of them heaved a sigh of relief. "Come out with me."


Tang Han turned around, Jiang Qi was deliberately one step behind him, and he still had no choice to forgive him. Seeing this, Tang Han hurriedly took the other party's hand, usually because his son was around, Xiao Qi would always save him some face.

Tang Han took them into a separate VIP box. The air conditioner was always on in the box, and it was warm once they entered, but Tang Aiqi and Xue Tao only felt cold.

With a mature male voice, Tang Han raised his head slightly: "Sit down."


The two children sat across from them anxiously. Minute: "Hello, uncles and aunts, I'm Ai Qi's classmate Xue Tao..."

Tang Han nodded his table, and said with a half-smile: "Just a classmate?"

Xue Tao got stuck.

Tang Aiqi, based on the principle that stretching out the head is a knife, retracting the head is also a knife, and the long-term pain is better than the short-term pain, bit the bullet and said firmly: "It's not just a classmate! He's also my boyfriend!" "Aiqi..." Xue Tao thought in his

heart Wei Wei moved, as if he couldn't believe that his lover who was afraid of his parents before would confess their relationship to his parents so quickly.

Tang Han: "Boyfriend... Tang Aiqi, you are getting bolder..."

What he actually meant was that Tang Aiqi didn't tell him when he had a boyfriend, and only spoke when he caught him on the spot. But it fell into Tang Aiqi's ears and became, his own steel straight man? Dad knew that the lover he made was a man, so he was very unhappy and angry! ! How are you going to deal with him!

So, Tang Aiqi, who was very scared and broken, begged: "Father, homosexuality is not illegal. I really like Xue Tao. Even if you discriminate against homosexuality, I will be with him!" The villain in Tang Han's heart

touched Chin, hey, why did he feel that something was wrong?

"Where do you see that I discriminate against homosexuals?" He is a homosexual himself, okay!

Tang Aiqi told the secret he buried in his heart, which is why he thought his father was a straight man of steel. "Our housekeeper, Uncle Wang, used to be gay. You fired him the next day after you found out!"

Tang Han: ...

So the other party is gay? ? It's just that the old Wang next door was popular at that time, just in case, he fired the other party...

"And your current secretary, the former secretary, the former secretary, the former secretary are all women! Return every They are all beauties!"

Tang Han: "..." Not to mention that I haven't noticed yet, this is a big misunderstanding, besides...it's not me who recruited the secretary! !

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