155: I Want To Be The Leader's Wife

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    He grew old with Ouyang Feng until the end of his life, because he knew that they would see each other again in the next world, so Jiang Qi didn't feel sad for the spring and autumn. Feeling the pull of the system on the soul and body, Jiang Qi closed his eyes without resistance, and gradually Lost breath.

    The eyes of the old man lying next to him flashed, and he placed a soft kiss on his lover's forehead. "See you later, my love."

    [Master, master, you are so fat~] A small, elongated voice sounded in the white space.

    Returning Jiang Qi paused when he heard the words, and said in surprise, "Did you change your voice?"

    Wasn't it an electronically synthesized mechanical voice before? Why did it suddenly become the voice of a milk doll?

    The voice of System 001 is ostentatious and shy: [Yeah, didn’t I upgrade before, I have extra points, so I bought myself a growing voice, master, is my voice nice~] Finally no

    more Jiang Qi, who was brainwashed by the electronic magic sound, nodded quickly: "It sounds good, very cute."

    System: (●'●)(●'●)

    Jiang Qi chatted with the system for a while, habitually looked to the side, saw the empty No one suddenly remembered that he was no longer in the mission world.

    miss him.

    Jiang Qi pursed his lips and said, "Open the next world."

    001: [Eh *罒▽罒*? The Lord Host has been on the offensive a bit recently! ]

    [But your reward, Master Host...]

    Jiang Qi: "Just convert it all into points."

    001 panicked: [Okay...] Could it be that Master Host finds that it takes a little points every time it gets rewards? ? ?

    After carefully looking at the host, seeing that the host did not pursue its responsibility, he quickly nodded and said: [Okay host, the next world is "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng", the target of the capture is Jade Raksha, and the supporting role Ximen Chuixue is born. ]

    [The character is being prepared... Please host the adults to set the role...]

    "You are random, if you are too bad, you can decide what to do:)"

    001: [This is a threat, this is a threat, this is a threat, QAQ! 】

    【... Generated, transmitting... Please be ready, Master Host. ]

    [The transmission has been completed. ]

    ... ...


    I don't know if Jiang Qi's threats had an effect. The identity of his body is neither a beggar nor a criminal, but a poor child whose parents have just died.

    Originally, he was a son of a rich family. His parents had just passed away, and he couldn't bear the blow for a while, so he lost his hair.

    Jiang Qi looked at the target on the map that was very far away from him, and covered his face in silence for a while, but he also prioritized it. The most important thing now is to deal with the wolves, tigers and leopards who are peeping at the original body's inheritance.

    When the melon-eaters were watching how Jiang's mansion would be swallowed up, what shocked them was that only ten-year-old Jiang Qi had tricked these people with his own lightning tricks.

    "Damn it!!" In Zhou's mansion, Master Zhou was so angry that he slapped the table hard after hearing the report from his subordinates, and passed out while clutching his chest.

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