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    "The system... I've been cheated by you." The visitor lay leisurely on the chair and looked at the blue sky and soft white clouds.

    The system was speechless: "..."     The

    visitor: "Oh, if only every world in the future would be as simple as this."

Can't help but retort: ​​"This is a special case."

    "Suck~" The person who responded to the system was the person who closed his eyes and enjoyed the juice.

    It's amazing to time travel through the predecessors~

    The time goes back to a week.

    This day is the day when Hatake Sakumo gave up the mission in order to save his companions when he was doing the mission in the original book. The visitors had already been reminded by the system, and they were waiting for them at the entrance of the village with trepidation.

    As soon as Hatake Sakumo returned to the village, he was stopped by someone who came to say some specious things. "Senior Hatake, please remember, no matter what happens, don't lose your hope of life! There are so many people who care about you in the world! Don't give up your life because of temporary sadness, don't care about others. With human eyes, I believe you can survive the next difficulty!"

    After hearing this, Sakumo Hatake's heart skipped a beat, and his body trembled in fear: "Is...the other...he died?" The

    visitor was startled , dumbfounded: "Huh?"

    "No, it's not... I mean..."

    Hatake Sakumo couldn't listen to his explanation at all, and mistakenly thought that he had committed suicide, and the loud bang almost made him Ringing in the ears, buzzing in the head, and the chakra in the body overflowed uncontrollably.

    "It's—!" Hatake Sakumo, with red eyes and a terrifying face, rushed home with all the chakra in his body.

    Visitors: "..."

    System: "...you seem to have gotten into trouble."

    "Hmm...it seems to be..."

    Hatake Sakumo's terrifying appearance made the ninjas on the side of the road think that something happened. Even the ninjas rescued by Hatake Sakumo this time couldn't help but reflect on themselves.

    Speaking of which, Bai Fang gave up the mission to save them, and they abandoned the mission when they were brothers, which led to the failure of the mission, so were they too indifferent to Bai Fang along the way?

    Everyone looked at each other, seeing the same look on the other side as themselves, and smiled in relief.

    They are brothers, what punishment is there to come together!



    "Okay!!" Sakumo Hatake pushed the door open, searched anxiously around the door, and shouted, but no one answered, and suddenly he felt dizzy, as if the sky was spinning. It looks like it's about to collapse.

    "Bang——" Hatake Sakumo knelt on the ground collapsed, staring blankly at the ground, the whites of his eyes were bloodshot.

    Jiang Qi happened to come back, and saw such a scene as soon as he came back, and asked curiously: "Is the ground nice?"

    Hatake Sakumo suddenly raised his head.

    Jiang Qi noticed the red bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and touched them distressedly: "Tired? I told you to pay attention to rest outside..."

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