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    Ace: "Huh, if you don't give it to me, I'll tell mom that you went to Yanluosuo!"

    Roger exploded: "Don't talk nonsense, brat, when did I go there! I was misunderstood by your mom People will die!" God knows that he always stayed away from that place.

    Ace laughed out loud, and asked frantically, "Then do you agree or not?"

    "No, you can't agree!"

    Now it was Ace's turn to be stunned, "Why?" The other friends also threatened their father in the same way, obviously Everything went well, why can't it work when it comes to his father.

    Roger: "I have a clear conscience. Anyway, I have never been there. If I agree to your conditions, it will seem that I have a ghost in my heart, so I will agree to you. If Xiaoqi finds out in the future, even if I know that I am innocent, I will feel uncomfortable. There are bumps. So I can’t promise you even more.”

    “I dare not make your mother angry anymore, you probably don’t remember, when you were one year old, your mother almost divorced me, and almost scared me to death "

    Ace's lips moved, he didn't know whether to envy and comfort the relationship between father and mother in this world is so loving, or regret why he threatened his father, now the chance is really gone.

    Yes, he is not from this world, no, no, it should be that he has the memory of another world.

    ... ...


    ... Goodbye, Dad ...

    goodbye ...

    Luffy ...

    Ace slowly closed his eyes, the pain in his chest tightened, his heart gradually stopped beating, and the noisy voice in his ears became louder. It was getting farther and farther away, and I gradually lost my breath...

    It was so warm...

    It seemed to be wrapped in a warm place.

    Is this what it feels like to die?

    Ace turned around with difficulty.

    "Hey, Xiaoqi Xiaoqi, he moved, moved—" The voice was... "

    Yes, do you want to touch it?" Such a gentle voice...

    "But... is it okay?" "

    Of course .”

    Then Ace felt someone touching him gently through a layer of quilt.

    Ace: "..."

    What's going on? ? ?

    The ignorant Ace can only move slightly if he wants to move, not big. It took him a month to figure out and accept the fact that he was reborn, reborn before he was born.

    By the way, it turns out that he has never met before. Your cheap father is so affectionate with his mother. Is my mother also so gentle, and her voice seems... like a man... no, no, no, he must be in the womb now, There is an illusion.

    "Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful mermaid prince in the sea. He was noble and kind, and his subjects loved him..."

    Ace closed his eyes in pain: This damn prenatal education came again.

    "Because the prince was so beautiful, the witch in the deepest part of the sea was very jealous. When the prince was eighteen years old, she appeared in the palace and cursed the prince, saying that he would be robbed by vicious pirates when he was twenty. She went to be a wife and was tortured. The prince was terrified. Fortunately, the fairy helped to weaken the curse. So when the prince was twenty years old, the pirate snatched the prince, but he was not tortured because..." "

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