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    Next to a street in a high-end residential area, Tang Han was leaning against the wall of the street. His face was sharp and angular, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, the tails of his eyebrows were slightly raised rebelliously, bright eyes under long and slightly curly eyelashes, black slightly curly hair Looks sunny and wild. The little girls passing by blushed and wanted to strike up a conversation but dared not.

    At this time, he half-closed his eyes and looked at the sky, with an unlit cigarette in his mouth.

    When he was in junior high school, he tried to learn to smoke because of his curiosity, and his classmates said that boys who could smoke were handsome, so with an unknown mind, he secretly smoked, until Jiang Qi frowned and said no He liked the smell of cigarettes, and even had an "awkward" fight with him for a day, so he quit smoking. Occasionally, when he was thinking too hard, he would hold an unlit cigarette to "satisfy his hunger".

    "Have you been waiting long?"

    Tang Han quickly blew out his cigarette and looked back.

    Bright eyes and white teeth, calm and elegant.

    Smooth black short hair draped around the neck, wearing a simple white shirt and jeans, a pair of black and white eyes, the face that used to be slightly feminine has become cold and arrogant but aggressive, the perfect face shape, coupled with a white shirt, It only makes people feel that the time is young, the years are quiet, and the smile is peaceful.


    Tang Han slipped his throat, swallowed, and stared at the other party.

    Jiang Qi rolled his eyes, and there were soft and affectionate ripples in his eyes: "Does it look good?"

    Tang Han was stunned for a while, then suddenly covered his nose, raised his head, and said in a low voice: "Oh my god, my little one Don't be so charming to me! Don't you know what you look like! Don't blame me if I can't hold back and push you down!" Jiang Qi was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and

    then laughed, half-truth and half-false Pushing the man against the wall behind him, he smiled and looked at the bewildered teenager. "Now, don't forget our bet."

    Bang bang bang bang——Tang Han's heart was beating violently, and the smell of the other party came from the tip of his nose, and he looked at the other party's fair skin against the light pink lips in a daze, too...too close...(≧◇◇ ≦)

    "Relax... don't worry, I haven't forgotten..." Tang Han finally regained his senses from the beauty, and stammered with his eyes wandering.

    "That's good, now let's go outside for a stroll."

    Tang Han was a little worried when he followed Jiang Qi. The women's clothing that was originally a hair loss was already a disaster for the country and the people, but now he was wearing men's clothing that was not inferior at all...

    He regretted it... Jiang Qi was the only one who could see it!

    Jiang Qi likes to be quiet, usually he doesn't go out during holidays, and reads quietly at home or in the library, so don't look at his appearance of taking the initiative to attack, in fact, he is also dizzy in his head, and he doesn't know where to go.

    He asked: "Where do you usually play?"

    Tang Han was taken aback for a moment, then he came back to his senses the next moment, seeing the other party turning his head in embarrassment, his heart skipped a beat, he looked away as if nothing had happened, put his arm around his shoulder and said: "Look, look, I told you to come out to play with me more often, Xiaoqi, how boring it is to be alone at home! Now it's all right, I don't even know what interesting things are around your house, it's a waste of your life It's been so long..."

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