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    Seeing that Nuliang Huapiao did not speak, Jiang Qi thought that the other party had acquiesced, and took a breath of Yang Qi happily. ? He didn't sit on his head anymore, and sat on Nuliang Huapiao's shoulder in the name of cultivating feelings, so that the man could see him when he turned his head sideways.

    Nuliang Huapiao felt that it was better for him to speak clearly, and he said what he regretted in the next few years so much that he vomited blood. "You actually misunderstood." He said solemnly.

    Jiang Qi didn't think much about it, thinking that the man was embarrassed, and covered his face with his small hands: "I understand everything I understand."

    You know a lot! !

    Nuliang slid his hand to his forehead, and said, "Hey kid, I only regard you as my subordinate, I have already made the biggest step back by letting you absorb Yang Qi, do you know?" Jiang Qi pursed his mouth:

    " Don't be joking, I'm really bad."

    Nuliang Huapiao only felt empty in his heart, but when he thought that this might be the other party's means of ability, he made up his mind and said: "I'm not joking, all I said is Tell the truth." He didn't believe that he would like a ghost he had just met, as for love at first sight? ? Hehe, it doesn't exist!

    Jiang Qi's originally brilliant little face fell down in an instant, his head was lowered, he glanced at the other party out of the corner of his eyes, and sighed heartbroken.

    Was it because he hooked up with the mission target too smoothly when he was doing the mission? That's why such a difficult problem appeared...

    Is there something wrong with his personality? More and more successful cases let him restore his original temperament, so maybe the mission target doesn't like his character? Then should he act... I remember that in the original book, the princess that Nuliang Huapiao married seemed to be... gentle as water, kind and beautiful, innocent and innocent?

    He has to think about it.

    It's not that Jiang Qi never thought of giving up, but he knocked the thought away as soon as it came to his mind. It is not in his character to talk about giving up when encountering a small difficulty.

    Jiang Qi lowered his head and rubbed his chin for a while, and finally came to a conclusion that he had been entangled too much with Nuliang Yupiao recently, causing the target to have a rebellious mentality, so he should relax the scale appropriately? ?

    Thinking of this, Jiang Qi suddenly felt like sitting on pins and needles, only thinking that sitting on a man's shoulder would also reduce the man's favorability.

    Reluctantly taking a breath of Yang Qi, Jiang Qi floated down from Nuliang Huapiao's shoulders, and flew unsteadily in mid-air with a sad and listless look that almost made other monsters think they were bugs and slapped them into meat sauce.

    Jiang Qi was not frightened, but Nuliang Huapiao was so frightened that he hurriedly pushed the monster aside.

    The trapped monster was stunned.

    After the crisis was resolved, Nuliang Huapiao took another look at Jiang Qi, blinked his eyes in a daze, and didn't have the slightest sense of being shot to death. Nuliang Huapiao was so angry that he wanted to grab him and spank him hard.

    Jiang Qi scratched his head innocently, and with a sway of his body, he floated among the monsters, occasionally looking at one and staring at the other, as if he was looking for a monster with more yang energy to settle on the other's head.

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