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    Saying it's not in business means it's not in business.

    Paji, the store is closed.

    Now the man with a dull face at the door stared at the closed noodle shop in a daze.

    This boss is so capricious!

    Yamamoto smiled wryly, touched his hungry stomach, and finally found a noodle shop in this remote place, but he was kicked out.


    He sighed, looked up at the scorching sun, the glare of the sun, the body was tired and hungry when he came out to do the task, he drank water to moisten his throat, Yamamoto just turned his head and looked at the only noodle shop... Think again The pack of wolves that were chasing him outside just now...

    Yamamoto just sat down on the stone steps, put the knife on the stone steps beside him, and didn't leave at all.

    Anyway, there is no place to eat nearby, so he should just wait here for the boss to open the door.

    This is waiting for several hours. At first, Yamamoto thought that the boss would let him in kindly... But... no

    wonder there was no business for so long, and he deserved to lose money. Yamamoto complained with a look of lovelessness.

    At this time, there was a burst of aroma gradually wafting from the store, the smell of meat, vegetables, and seasonings came to the face, making Yamamoto, who had been hungry for a day, suddenly feel bad all over.

    "Cold-blooded and ruthless boss, someone at your door is starving to death, why don't you come out and take care of it!!"

    Jiang Qi twitched his eyebrows, your voice is still so loud when you are starving to death? The airy look dispelled Jiang Qi's idea of ​​going to open the door immediately.

    If Yamamoto knew that the time for eating was delayed because of his own words, he wondered if he would regret slapping himself on the mouth a few times.

    Jiang Qi took the opportunity to take a closer look at his profile again. In this world, the identity assigned to him by the system is that of a small noodle shop owner. Because the noodle shop is in a sparsely populated place and the craftsmanship is poor, there are few people here. No one is willing to come to eat, and gradually, this noodle shop is forgotten.

    This identity was arranged so that Jiang Qi couldn't complain. Could it be that the system temporarily arranged an identity for him in the mission world because he just learned cooking skills?

    The target here is just an accident. Yamamoto was the heir of Shi Yu Cangyan Liu. Shan soon encountered wolves, managed to get rid of the wolves, lost his way, was tired and hungry, and found Jiang Qi's restaurant. Before he was happy, the other party said that it was closed for business today...

    Yamamoto Tsuyoshi: "..."

    Jiang Qi brought out the dishes, pricked up his ears but didn't hear the sound coming from outside the door, and couldn't help but wonder in his heart, could the other party really starve to death?

    What if he starves to his task?

    Thinking of this, Jiang Qi became restless, strode to the door and opened it, only to see the man lying motionless on the ground with his eyes closed.

    Jiang Qi's heart skipped a beat, and he hurried over to check his breath, he was relieved after feeling the warm breath, it's alright, alright, he's alive, probably just fell asleep from exhaustion.

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