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    When he said this, Chu Liuxiang couldn't help but became more curious, and walked out after him, until he reached the edge of the lake. The blue lake water was calm and beautiful under the white moonlight.

    Chu Liuxiang was puzzled: "Why did you bring me here? Could it be that the calligraphy and painting are here?" After speaking, he also felt a little funny, and couldn't help laughing, but smiling, he soon realized something was wrong.

    The other party's meaningful eyes...

    no way?

    The corner of Chu Liuxiang's mouth twitched: "In order to guard against me, did you really hide the calligraphy and painting in the water?" "


    Chu Liuxiang just breathed a sigh of relief, and he just said...

    the next second, Yu Luocha said: "It was torn to pieces before it was destroyed." Burn it to ashes, and then pour the ashes of calligraphy and painting into the lake."

    Chu Liuxiang: "..."

    ! ! ! ! !

    What? ? ? He must have heard wrong! ! The other party must have said that they hid the calligraphy and paintings in the water!

    Yu Luocha broke through his self-deception relentlessly, and said with a sneer, "Brother Commander, you can jump down to get ashes."

    Chu Liuxiang: "..."

    ! ! ! ! Σ(дlll)


    He couldn't think of anything else but the word.

    Rubbing his nose with a wry smile, Chu Liuxiang stared at the calm lake silently, and said, "Why don't you be so cruel, it's the first time I've met people like you, it's all money..." Jiang Qi: "

    Ahem , It’s not a way to prevent Xiangshuai.”

    Yu Luocha was stunned, and when she looked up, she saw Jiang Qi was only wearing a single shirt not far away, her face sank immediately, and she took off her clothes and put them on him , Shen Sheng said: "Even if you want to go out, you have to wear an extra dress."

    Jiang Qi was slightly taken aback, he thought Yu Luocha would ask him why he found them when he didn't. Wen Sheng smiled, and said, "Well, aren't you still here?" "

    ..." Yu Luosha turned her head, revealing her slightly red ears.

    Chu Liuxiang stood aside with a complicated expression on his face. He didn't expect the majestic Jiang family patriarch to be a man who likes men...

    He didn't mean to discriminate against him, but he was simply surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, the Jiang family patriarch There is probably no woman in this world who can match him.

    Chu Liuxiang sighed, and had no choice but to interrupt the affectionate gaze between the two, and said, "This time, I, Chu Liuxiang, missed it. The head of the Jiang family is indeed rich and powerful. Of course, you won't pay attention to calligraphy and paintings worth a few million taels." inside."

    Jiang Qi, who knew the inside story, naturally understood his insinuations, and said with a sneer, "Even if there is only a few pennies, it's my hard-earned hard-earned money. Even if I destroy the money, it's like taking advantage of those greedy villains." Chu Liuxiang's

    body Startled, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and for a while, he bowed down to apologize to Jiang Qi with sincerity: "This time, it's Chu who doesn't know people clearly, sorry

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