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    Although Yuan Atobe knew in his heart that the person behind the kidnapping of him was the butler, but after hearing it with his own ears, no matter how calm he was before, he still felt betrayed.

    Heh, I didn't expect that they had this idea.

    In addition to the housekeeper, he is also familiar with the voice of another woman. When this woman was in the villa, she intentionally or unintentionally moved to his side, but at the beginning, the other woman was relaxed and not as excessive as other women, and the other woman was the housekeeper's prostitute. , so he ignored her.

    It just seemed that his concessions gave them the illusion that he was very easy to fool.

    The sound outside was getting farther and farther away, and it seemed that they were looking for it elsewhere.

    Atobubuchi looked down at the top of the young man's head in front of him, feeling a little guilty. It seemed that he had wronged this man, and the other party only saw him kidnapped to save him, not that he was with the kidnappers as he thought.

    It just so happened that he lacked a bodyguard by his side, and this man's strange strength was completely suitable for this job.

    And Jiang Qitong's disagreement is not a question for him to consider. This uncle is so good, how many people are vying to be his bodyguard and he is still unwilling. This is an opportunity for Jiang Qi!

    Just when Atobubuchi admired Jiang Qi's skills and had a good impression, Jiang Qi made a move that caught him off guard.


    Atobuyuan's scalp exploded, and his thigh was suddenly attacked. He was a little sensitive there, but now it was like being electrocuted, and he shouted angrily: "What are you doing!!"

    The tear moles on the corners of the eyes became more and more exciting, and he said puzzledly: "Touch the phone." Did

    n't he just ask him to help hold the phone, why did this person ask him what he was doing?

    Jiang Qi thought: If you are sick, take medicine!

    Atobubuchi was depressed like a balloon that was punctured. Did he want to say that he just thought of an impure place...

    I can't afford to lose this man.

    Atobubuchi: "Cough, take it."

    "Yeah." Jiang Qi touched the phone after being accurate this time and took it out.

    Atobebuchi, who was a little disappointed in his heart for some reason: "..."

    "Call the police?"

    Atobebuchi: "Call Assistant Wen first."     

    " Oh ."

    A hurried voice came, "President, where are you now?! Is it true that the police called just now to say that you were kidnapped?!"

     How did the police  know that he was kidnapped?

    Jiang Qi seemed to know what was going on in his mind, and said without turning his head: "It's very simple, since the housekeeper knows that you have run away, and I don't know if you have gone out to call the police, in order not to make you suspect His head will definitely be the first to call the police."

    Assistant Wen's vigilant voice came out: "Who are you!"

    As soon as he finished speaking, Atobubuchi's voice rang out.

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