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    After the meal, the director said, "We will end today's filming immediately. Before the end, let's play a small math game. Parents will come up to collect the questions." The fathers went up together, each holding

    three white pieces of paper. There are ten arithmetic problems written, two of which are very complicated multiplication and division problems, and the other is also a simple arithmetic problem such as 5 7.

    Director: "Within five minutes, whichever group of yours solves the question first will win. Parents and children will take the test separately. The reward for the first person who wins is..." The director blinked mischievously, " First get off work and take a break."

    "Hahahahaha——" Everyone laughed, and they enjoyed such a "attractive" reward very much. After all, after a tiring day, you can leave work early, the temptation is huge.

    Even Jiang Qi got a piece of math paper.

    Jiang Qi sat on the small bench, looked at the 6 7 on the white paper, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. He really didn't want to be a five-year-old child.

    Suddenly, he looked at Tang Han who was only looking at the questions and didn't write at all. He looked confident and his curly hair was like a proud and clever little lion.

    Jiang Qi: ...Suddenly want to tease me.

    Then, the surrounding staff and parents suddenly heard the following conversation.

    Jiang Qi: "Tang Han, are we friends?"

    Tang Han said without hesitation: "Yes!"

    Jiang Qi: "How much is 6 7?"

    Tang Han replied firmly: "13!"

    Jiang Qi: "You Do you believe me?"

    Tang Han: "Of course!"

    Jiang Qi: "It's equal to 67."

    Tang Han paused, unsure of his answer, and raised his head to stare at him, his dark eyes full of trust: "Really Is it yours?"

    Jiang Qi's mouth twitched, "I lied to you."

    Convinced Tang Han: "QAQ"

    Everyone: Pfft—

    Tang's parents hold their foreheads: Son, don't be so stupid.

    Pathfinder: 23333 Don't be like this, Xiaohan is still a child!

    Oh I see: he's still a kid, don't let him go! !

    Xiao Xiao: "Xiao Hanhan dares to be angry and dare not speak out, and finally feels aggrieved and wants to cry hhhhhh, Xiao Qi, hurry up and ravage him!"

    Lele: Forgive me for laughing like a pig in the middle of the night Sound hahahahahaha—(?艸?) Poisonous

    Poison: I was suddenly fed dog food in the middle of the night, but I still want to say, please bring me some more dog food! do not stop!

    Tomorrow will be better: Jiang Qi, how can you do this! Xiaohan trusts you so much, but you do such a happy thing in the end hahahaha/o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓[Slapping the table and laughing!]

    Best couple: I can see it, it’s so cute It's actually black 2333


    Tang Han puffed his face and finished the question seriously. During this time, he couldn't look at Jiang Qi, expressing his anger!

    On the contrary, Jiang Qi kept looking at him with his chin propped up, seeing that he had finished the questions and didn't seem to be looking at him, so he said, "Are you still angry?" Tang Han pricked up his ears, thinking in his heart: Yes

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