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    "Oh." Jiang Qi sat opposite him with a blank face, crossed his legs, and said casually: "So now you are recovering from your injuries, when will you leave?"

     Having said that, I never thought about this problem, and stopped talking, and quickly searched for a reason to stay in my mind. After a while, I saw that the man who was originally energetic quickly weakened, and a big man pretended to be pitiful: "I was seriously injured. , I don’t have the ability to go back to my world, so can you take me in?”

    Jiang Qi: “Qi Qi?”

    General Dog: Oops! Accidentally said the title I had been calling in my heart!

    Forget it, you can call me like that." Jiang Qi said: "What's your name?"

     He said speechlessly, "Why don't you just let me call you dear?"

    General Quan responded. : "Hey~ *罒▽罒*"

    Jiang Qi: ...This face is probably the thickest among all his strategy characters, right?

    "Scream, why don't you scream?"

    Jiang Qi stared straight at him.

    The dog general immediately froze and shook his neck. Don't shout if you don't shout, it's so fierce, just rely on me to spoil you, so fierce! "My name is General Dog."

    As everyone knows, his appearance is no different from that of a strict wife.

    In Jiang Qi's mind, he thought that he was calling out to be just a little milk dog as a general... Well, it seems that the painting style is a bit wrong. But if he called Sanmao... a certain silver-haired man turned his head and smirked, and his style of painting was even more novel.

    Jiang Qi frowned and rubbed his earlobe. This is his usual action when he is tangled.

    After secretly observing (voyeuristically) Jiang Qi for decades, it is naturally impossible for General Quan not to know about his little action, and exclaims in his heart that it is cute.

    He is in human form now, must hold back! You can't pounce on it and lick it, you will be scared!

    After struggling for a long time, Jiang Qi finally had to decide to call him General Dog when he was in human form, and San Mao when he was transformed into a puppy.

    Besides this matter, what he wants to ask is: "I just want to know, since you are a monster, why are you wearing my school uniform?" Sensing that something was wrong with Zhong Chuan, he explained how he cleverly turned into a human to help. After finishing speaking, he straightened his back and looked proud, almost letting Jiang Qi pat his head and praise him.

    Jiang Qi smiled but said, "Don't forget, the culprit is you, stupid dog." The agreed doll called General!

    The dog general was taken aback: "Stupid dog? Me???"

    "Are there any other dogs besides you?" Jiang Qi joked, completely ignoring the opponent's monster and being afraid of him. The dinner was served in front of him, seeing that the food on the plate was obviously half-eaten, Jiang Qi started to eat with the cutlery on the plate without hesitation.

    Unconvinced, the dog general who was scolded by him as a stupid dog immediately blushed and buried his head in eating.

    The chopsticks he used...he just used them! Kissed indirectly Hey (/≧w\)

    After eating, Jiang Qi gently put the chopsticks on the table, the dog general cleaned up very consciously, and washed them together after he finished eating.     Jiang Qi asked: "No wonder I just said that the bowls were cleaned as soon as I turned around. You washed the bowls these days?"

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