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    Although the one in front of him is not the stupid father of this world, but it is another world, his real father, who betrayed his mother Lingyue Xianji and died for human beings.


    Sesshomaru sneered, and whipped the whip directly under the eyes of General Quan who didn't know why.

    "Sesshomaru! What are you doing!" General Quan was caught off guard by the whip and frowned angrily.

    "I want an explanation for my mother." I also want an explanation for him before his rebirth.

    Sesshomaru has no expression on his face. If he was reborn, he might still be afraid of the other party, but after being trained by Jiang Qi and the father of this world for hundreds of years, he is no longer the monster who hoped to get his father's attention before rebirth.

    Sesshomaru and Inu Daisho fought fiercely together.

    Izayo covered his mouth and let out a scream, his eyes flickered, and he left the scope of the battle in fear.

    After leaving the battle range, Izayoi realized that there was still a person standing here. "Setsuna Mangan? Why are you here?"

    Setsuna Mangan didn't answer, staring at the figure of the two fighting not far away.

    The silver-haired beautiful man was glamorous and powerful, and his cold eyes shot directly into the depths of his heart. Let the heart, which has always been calm, keep beating.

    Even Shizayo called him, but he didn't hear it.

    Shiliuye was out of breath: "Shuna Mengwan!!"

    Shuna Mengwan came back to his senses: "His Royal Highness."

    Shiliuye hurriedly said: "Shuna Mengwan, you are so powerful, go help General Quan and kill that A monster!"

    She didn't realize that the man in front of her was also just a human being, and even a general who fought in all directions could not be compared with a big monster. If a man listens to her and helps, it is very likely that he will be affected by the battle between General Inu and Sesshomaru.

    General Inu doesn't care about the life and death of a human general, and Sesshomaru doesn't have a good impression of Izayoi and his group, so it's no wonder that he would avoid hurting Setsuna Mengwan.

    Probably in Izayoi's heart, Setsuna Mengwan has always been in her image, that is, she is invincible.

    Setsuna Mengwan frowned, subconsciously displeased with her words. It wasn't that she said she felt uncomfortable asking herself to help, but because Izayoi asked him to help the dog general kill Sesshomaru. "Sorry Your Royal Highness, this order cannot be carried out."

    Izayo could not believe that Setsuna Makwan, who always thought of her, would reject her, and tears filled his eyes: "Senna Mangwan, are you blaming me for choosing someone else? "

    Although Setsuna Maganwan came here today to confirm what the waiter told him that the princess fell in love with another man, but at this moment, in front of the big silver-haired monster, he suddenly didn't want to care about who Izayoi fell in love with. I don't want Princess Izayoi to mention his engagement with her in front of youkai.

    Compared with Izayoya, Setsuna Mengwan is mostly responsible for her, for example, his responsibility to the country, his responsibility to protect the people, and his responsibility to be filial to the royal family. This responsibility was forced on him by others, and he was almost overwhelmed layer by layer.

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