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    Nura Rikusheng has a secret, that is, he is a monster.

    Born in a family of monsters, he was raised by his grandfather, and he has been able to see monsters since he was a child. When he was young, he was ignorant, and he would share it with his friends. However, after he told his classmates, the strange and disbelieving expressions on their faces made him gradually understand that the word monster has long been abandoned by the times. , Modern people do not believe in monsters at all.

    So, he also cooled his mind and pretended that he couldn't see it either. Even if a monster suddenly appeared in front of him, he could pass by without changing his face.

    "Hey, kid~ You look a lot like my grandson~"

    Hehe, the ghost is your grandson!

    "Don't go so fast~ I know you can see me."

    Hehe, don't think I don't know that you said this to make me stop, so I won't be fooled!

    "I'm serious, my grandson's name is... Huh? What's my grandson's name?"

    Hehe, I can't tell a lie, it really is a deceiving monster!

    Nuliang Lusheng complained in his heart, with a smile like a spring breeze on his face, striding across the campus, the scattered sunlight shone through the large green leaves on his immature but still elegant and handsome face, turning the surrounding The female classmates are obsessed with all kinds of meat and eight vegetables.

    "Wow, I didn't expect you to be so popular. You're amazing, but you're not as good-looking as me, and you're not as handsome, and you're too young, you're only 13 years old, right? You need to cut down on hormones to hook up with girls. This is not good for your future development. If you don’t develop well, you won’t grow taller in the future, and no girls or boys will fall in love with you! My family’s development is very good, and he is not like you Random hair hormones, eh, he seems to have random hair, by the way, who is it... Nagging and thinking..."

    Nuliang Lusheng's forehead bumped out a vein.

    This monster has been babbling behind him to death! ! ! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴

    Damn, I really want to go back and get rid of the monsters! But no, this is school! And I don't know the details of this monster. If he had known that he would be entangled by monsters, he left with Bingli and Qingtian Fang in the morning.

    "Why don't you look back at me? Maybe you will recognize me after seeing me..."

    No reply! Resolutely do not return! Nuliang Rikusheng has already seen everything. Even if the young man's voice is very nice, when he turns around, he will definitely have a grimace that scares people to death! After seeing this trick, he will not be fooled!

    The monster behind him was still muttering, and Nuliang Rikusheng quickened his pace, and said in his mouth: "Oops, I'm going to be late—" After finishing speaking, he ran directly to the teaching building.

    The ghost behind him talked to himself for a long time, but he couldn't remember who he was, who he kept talking about. When he came back to his senses, there was no one who looked exactly like his "grandson".

    "Unfilial son!" The young man subconsciously scolded with puffy face. Although the young man spoke very old-fashioned words, his appearance was extremely young and beautiful, his lips were not smudged but red, his eyebrows were unpainted but green, his eyes were like water apricots, and his gaze was shining brightly. The cute baby fat on the face deeply dilutes the seductive atmosphere.

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