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    "Pa—" A piece of white chalk hit Oga Tatsumi's forehead and broke in two.

    Male deer Tatsumi immediately woke up from his sleep, and when he looked up, he saw someone's smiling face, and his aggressive posture immediately faltered.

    Jiang Qi: "Student male deer, please pay attention to the class~ Otherwise, it won't be chalk next time."

    Xiao Beilu also nodded seriously: "Oh da da!" That's right!

    Oga Tatsumi: "Little Beru, why don't you... I know... π_π" After

    struggling through the day's class, Oga felt that he was not his own anymore.

    It turns out that learning is such a difficult thing.

    On the way home, Oga tried to discuss with Jiang Qi and turned a blind eye to him during class, not to focus on him.

    Jiang Qi half-smile: "No way, the person Xiao Beilu admits is not only wise and brave, but he can't be a martial artist who can only use force."

    Xiao Beilu: "Oh!" That's right!

    Gu Shigui covered his mouth and laughed.

    The male deer thought for a long time before he realized that Jiang Qi said that he had developed limbs but a head but no brain. After thinking about it, he became even more frustrated.

    Sheng Wuke followed behind Jiang Qi, and suddenly stopped in front of him, watching an ice cream shop motionless.

    Oga was taken aback, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with that place?"

    Jiang Qi didn't answer him, and walked over to buy ice cream. The boss was still the same boss back then, but he didn't recognize Jiang Qi as the person he frequented back then.

    "Two ice creams."


    "Thank you."

    Oga leaned forward in surprise: "Wow, did you buy it for me, thank you Teacher Jiang."

    Furuichi Takayuki said sadly: "Don't you have mine?"

    Jiang Qi said with a blank expression: "I accidentally bought an extra one, and I'll give it to Xiao Beilu."

    Xiao Beilu: Oh!

    Oga: "..."

    Furuichi Takayuki: "..."

    Furuichi Takayuki hesitated: "That...babies don't seem to be able to eat ice cream, right?"

    Jiang Qi: "Don't worry, it

    's fine ." .

    At this time, a maid demon Gurd who looked exactly like Xiludi suddenly appeared at the corner behind the two, and there were two other maid demons, Isabella and Shajula.

    Urd: "We have found the princess, should we report to the devil first or go to the princess first?"

    Shajula: "Don't startle the snake, what if the princess disappears again?"

    Isabella: " It's already too late..."

    Yourd: "?"

    She looked forward, only to realize that Lord Yanwang had already run towards Her Majesty Wangfei.

    Three maids: "..."


    Jiang Qi was startled, and turned around to see a cute little girl with green hair running towards him. The corners of the mouth were raised, and the eyes were happily bent. He bent down and opened his hands, letting Xiao Zhengtai rush into his arms.

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