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Jiang Qi turned around and said, "I'm in a bad mood right now, and I don't want to listen to you right now, so stay away from me."

Tang Han immediately shut his mouth and followed him aggrieved.

If this person hadn't rejected his confession just a second ago, Jiang Qi would have thought he was bullying him, obviously... He lowered his eyes, the one who should be wronged is whether he is good or not... Tang Han was so anxious that he didn't know what to do

. what to do. He frowned and said, "Xiao Qi, don't ignore me, even if we can't be lovers, let's be brothers and friends, shall we!"

Jiang Qi suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Tang Han: "What... what's wrong?"

Jiang Qi: "Didn't you just reject me just now? You should be happy if I ignore you, but why am I ignoring you in such a hurry." "

I..." Tang Han With a guilty conscience, he looked away, and said weakly: "Didn't you promise me that you would be a good friend with me for the rest of your life, or did you say... Could it be that you want to go back on your word!? QAQ."

What kind of trouble is this pitiful look like ? ah! He obviously rejected his confession, but now he followed him with a stern face, and he couldn't even drive him away.

Jiang Qi frowned, and looked at Tang Han quietly.

Tang Han didn't know why, he panicked when he looked at him like this, and then Jiang Qi smiled, making him panic even more.

Jiang Qi smiled: "Take me as a friend, right?"


Jiang Qi smiled: "Reject my confession, right?"

Tang Han: "QWQ"

suddenly had no expression on his face: "Then I will find another Boyfriend is ready."


a bolt from the blue--

"No--!!!" Tang Han yelled in disbelief, transformed into a cannon barrel, the hair all over his body exploded, "No, no, no, no!!! If you dare to find me, I will break your leg!!"

Jiang Qi was taken aback, raised his eyebrows in surprise, and after a while, he showed a strange smile.

He thought, he found this man's weakness...

"Oh. The basketball court is here."

Oh, what does that mean! ! Tang Han was going crazy, his heart was about to collapse. no! He has to watch him more closely in the future, otherwise what will he do if he really finds a boyfriend!

The original intention of his refusal was to prevent Jiang Qi from being exposed to rumors from outside. If Jiang Qi really wanted to find a boyfriend, he might as well find him! At least he can promise to protect him!

The confused Tang Han couldn't figure out what was wrong with his logic at all.

"My little one..."

On the basketball court, the young man who was playing basketball saw Tang Han at a glance, interrupted what Tang Han was about to say, and greeted happily: "Hey, Tang Han! You haven't been here for a long time!"

Tang Han twitched the corner of his mouth: "Hehe, yes."

The young man used to be the boss of the street basketball court in this area, and he often bullied others because of his much taller figure than others. After Tang Han moved here, The face-slapping link that often appears in novels appeared. The young Zhao Yang was shocked by the protagonist's domineering aura and became the hero's younger brother.

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