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    Jiulan Litu brought back a strange human youth! ! !

    As soon as Jiang Qi was brought into Jiulan's house by Jiulan Li Tu, the spies got the news and spread it immediately.

    This news shocked the Jiulan family and the Senate.

    In their hearts, Jiulan Litu has always been a cruel, cunning and vicious image. When will he bring a human into Jiulan's house?

    Could it be that this human being has some value for Jiulan Litu to use? Everyone guessed like this.

    No matter what they thought, it didn't affect Jiulan Litu's good mood at this time.

    But in the face of Jiang Qi, Jiulan Litu's eloquent mouth seemed to have failed, and he chatted dryly.

    In Jiulan and Litu's heart, it's chatting, but in Jiang Qi's eyes it's...

    "How old are you?"

    "Where do you live?"

    "Is there anyone else in your family?"

    "Do you have a boyfriend or like What kind of people do you like?"

    "What do you usually like to eat? What books do you like to read?" "

    Do you have a mobile phone? Give me a call and we can chat when we have time." "

    How is work usually? Are you tired?" "

    … ..." and so on for a series of questions.

    Jiang Qi said: "..."

    System, did I come to the wrong place? In fact, it wasn't me attacking Jiulan and Litu, but the other party was planning to attack me, right?

    Jiang Qi was not surprised, as long as he said the word "go to bed", he would be eaten up by the other party immediately, the kind that didn't even leave scum.

    Could this Jiulan Litu come from the last few worlds again? No, no, when they met for the first time, Jiulan and Li Tu's strangeness towards him could not be fooled.

    Could it be that Jiulan Litu fell in love with him at first sight? Although he knew that his appearance had a certain offensive power, but as a vampire who had lived for such a long time, the other party should have seen a lot of beauties.

    Forget it, one step at a time.

    ↑The majority that are often denied are not far from the truth.

    Jiulan Litu, who almost found out about Jiang Qi's family background, felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't remember it for a while, and he smiled relieved for a while. Anyway, he will have plenty of time to ask in the future, so there is no rush for a while.

    Seeing that he finally stopped asking questions, Jiang Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and then laughed. He said that Jiulan Litu was probably the target he had the most problems with. Check it out in private.

    "My lord." The passing servant bent down.

    Jiulan and Litu pursed her lips: If the identity is heard, will Jiang Qi worship me, praise me and fall in love with me again? ! !

    The man showed all his thoughts on his face, Jiang Qi tried his best not to break his merits, his voice fluctuated, and he worshiped and said: "So you are the head of the family. You are so young, and you can catch vampires. It's really amazing." Catching vampires

    ... ...

    The faces of the surrounding servants twisted.

    Jiulan Litu seemed unaware of the flaws in Jiang Qi's words, and was only brainwashed by the other party's praise of "really powerful", the corners of his mouth raised, pretending to be indifferent and said: "It's nothing, you are hungry, the kitchen is already Get ready for lunch, you'll come here with me...cough, let's have dinner together." At the end of the speech, Jiang Qi sharply saw the man's red ears.

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