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    Because it was summer and the air was stuffy, Jiang Qi didn't like to cover the quilt. He dishonestly kicked the quilt several times while sleeping. Every time, Yamamoto helped him cover it again without complaint.

    When covering the quilt, he casually touched his long legs, which took advantage.

    When I woke up the next day, there was a cup of warm water on the bedside table. Needless to say, I knew whose fault it was. Jiang Qi took a sip and put down the water glass. His sore waist and inner thighs were much better. He put on his clothes and got out of bed. The simple and honest man was busy in the kitchen. Jiang Qi rolled his eyes and walked behind him with a smile and hugged him. waist. "What delicious food?"

    Yamamoto replied with a smile: "Preserved egg and lean meat porridge, I saw that you like Chinese food very much, so I flipped through the recipe. I don't know if it is delicious for the first time."

    Jiang Qi: "I His mouth is very picky."

    "Huh?" Yamamoto was nervous for a while, and quickly scooped up a spoonful to try the taste.

    Huh, it's okay, it's okay, there's nothing weird about it.

    Jiang Qi saw that the man's behavior was very cute, so he pursed his lips and kissed him on the side of the face. When Yamamoto just realized it, he had already gone to the bathroom to wash up. The man who covered his side face and smirked was left behind.

    Although Jiang Qi said that, when the man was ready and served, he still happily finished eating.

    Yamamoto asked anxiously: "How is it?"

    "Very sweet~"

    Very sweet? He clearly remembered that it was salty.

    Yamamoto was puzzled, looked at the smiling face on Jiang Qi's face, was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what the other party meant, stared at him pretending to be angry, and then while Jiang Qi was distracted, suddenly leaned over and aimed at his mouth , sticking his tongue in and sweeping around.

    There was a faint salty taste from the tip of his tongue, and the man left the young man's lips unsatisfied, showing eight neat teeth: "It's very sweet."

    Jiang Qi couldn't believe that the young man who let him flirt with him yesterday was the old man in front of him. driver.

    "You've turned bad."

    "You don't like it?"

    "I like it."

    Jiang Qi bluntly expressed his thoughts, which made Yamamoto's heart tremble again. How could there be someone he likes so much.

    "_(:з"∠)_Agang, I want to eat iced watermelon. As soon as Yamamoto

    heard the words, he immediately put the big watermelon he bought yesterday into the refrigerator, and lowered the temperature a little: "Wait a little longer, it will be fine soon, and you just ate the hot one and then the iced one, your stomach will rot." Can't stand it. "

    "Okay~ Is there an orchard, let's pick cherries together (?)"

    Every time it comes to summer, he likes to go to the orchard to pick fresh fruits. , so he will be full every time he goes there.

    It can be said that fruit is Jiang Qi's second favorite food, and the first is of course shrimp.

    "Yes. "

    "Then let's go now!" "

    "Have you stopped eating watermelon? " "

    "That's right, eat the watermelon before leaving. " After Jiang Qi finished speaking, he sat back on the sofa obediently.

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