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    Nana Sawada and Nana Jiang had a happy conversation. It should be that Nana Sawada was talking and Jiang Qi was listening. The harmonious atmosphere between the two made the man who bought ice cream feel very dazzling.

    They all knew that Jiang Qi was a man. What if Nana Sawada or Jiang Qi were accidentally attracted by the other party and fell in love with the other party, what would they do? ?

     I can't find a place to cry.

    "Xiaoqi, your ice cream." Yamamoto just walked between the two calmly, separating them with his tall figure.

    Nana Sawada, who took a few steps back, looked at the other party strangely. Yamamoto still had a loyal and honest smile on her face. She shook her head with a broken smile. How could she have the idea that Mr. Yamamoto did it on purpose. Mr. Yamamoto is not that kind of person.

    He is that kind of person.

    Jiang Qi took it with a smile, kissed the man's flattering face, stretched out his small tongue to lick the ice cream, and then handed the ice cream to Yamamoto Tsuyoshi's mouth naturally: "Ah~"

    Yamamoto pointed at Jiang Qi and licked it I took a big bite from the place where I was sitting, and I swallowed it whole without being afraid of the cold.

    Sawada Nana looked at the side with bright eyes, even when Sawada Iemitsu brought her ice cream, she just took it casually. His eyes never left their bodies for a moment.

    Sawada Iemitsu: "..." If it was normal, I would have happily embraced her long ago.

    He felt his position was threatened. _(:з」∠)_

    The ice cream in Jiang Qi’s hands was eaten by him and Yamamoto, and Nana Sawada saw that there was nothing to see, so she ate the ice cream that she had already started to melt in frustration.

    Jiang Qi: "Nana, we are going to rest under the tree over there for a while, do you want to go?"

    "Yes!!" Zetian Nana's eyes lit up, she put the ice cream on Zetian's light hand, and cheered to the little one.

    Sawada Iemitsu: "..."

    Yamamoto Takeshi: "..." Take care of your wife, please!

    Sawada Iemitsu sneered: I should be the one who said this to you.

    Not to be outdone, Yamamoto said: I don’t know whose wife has been pestering my little one.

    Iemitsu Sawada looked at Nana Sawada leaning next to Jiang Qi, chattering non-stop, but Jiang Qi only occasionally responded to her with a word or two, and was very happy, and fell silent.

    At noon, the sun is strong.

    The strong ultraviolet light made Jiang Qi not want to pick fruit at all. Fortunately, there was a mat in the cottage of the farmhouse. He lay motionless on the mat, and Yamamoto just fanned him by his side.

    Jiang Qi: "Don't patronize me, you can fan yourself."

    "I'm not hot."

    Jiang Qi frowned, and suddenly kissed him on the mouth. The startled Yamamoto just didn't realize it, and the fan in his hand I don't know when it fell.

    Feeling the man's rising temperature, Jiang Qi wiped the corner of his mouth with satisfaction, and said: "Now you are hot, I will lie on your lap, and you fan together."

    Yamamoto raised the corner of his mouth: "Okay."

    Cool The wind hit his face gently, and under the protection of the man with a sense of security, Jiang Qi slowly closed his eyes, feeling drowsy, and finally couldn't hold on any longer, tilted his head, and went to meet Zhou.

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