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    Nuliang Rikusheng didn't know what to say to this monster who tried his best to take advantage of him. With a terrible headache, he took him back to Nuliang's house.

    "I'm back." Nuliang Lusheng stepped into the house, but when he turned around, he saw the monster standing outside in a daze. "What are you doing? Come in."

    Jiang Qi said distressedly: "Grand grandson, I don't know why, I feel so uncomfortable..."

    Nuliang Lusheng was stunned, he didn't hear that Nuliang's house was under a forbidden curse. ! He walked over nervously, "Are you alright?"

    Although he had only known this monster for a day, and he babbled and called his grandson to make him mad, but this monster was a good monster, and he didn't want to see him die. .

    Jiang Qi blinked his eyes, and suddenly burst out laughing: "Hahaha I'm teasing you, I'm so happy, I didn't expect you to be so nervous about me, grandson, hahahaha——"

    Nuliang Lusheng raised his forehead Convex: "—Go to hell!" He swore that he would never believe in this monster again!

    After teasing his lovely grandson, Jiang Qi hummed something and floated into the Nuliang House. Nuliang Lusheng quickly chased after him. He was a little surprised when he saw Jiang Qi's skilled left and right turns. Nuliang House As an old house, it occupies a large area, and people who come here for the first time will probably get lost. Jiang Qi seems to be in his own home, and he can't help but feel surprised.

    Is he really my grandfather?


    Nuliang Lusheng slapped himself convulsively, what was he thinking!

    "Hey, don't run any further, the front is the mourning hall, where my grandfather lives!"

    Bing Li looked at her young master strangely as if she was chasing something, "What is the young master doing? Why are you shouting into the air? "

    Nuliang Lusheng naturally didn't hear what she said, otherwise he would definitely be suspicious. He was chasing after Jiang Qi, but one was floating and the other was running on two legs. Nuliang Lusheng simply chased Jiang Qi. If you can barely see the corner of the opponent's clothes, you are already running fast.

    I saw Jiang Qi drifting into the mourning hall.

    Nuliang Lusheng prayed in his heart that he would never offend his grandfather.

    "Huh, huh, huh—" Nuliang Lusheng ran to the door of the mourning hall, bent over and panted heavily, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the smiling and beautiful monster standing in the center of the mourning hall.

    "Grand grandson, you are so slow, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

    Nu Lianglu was so angry that he couldn't hit one place! "You still have the nerve to say it! What are you doing so fast?! If you offend the monsters here, you won't know how to die!"

    Jiang Qi said with a smile: "Grand grandson, are you caring about me?"

    Nu Lianglu He choked, stuck his neck and refused to admit it: "No!"

    Jiang Qi waved his hand: "Oh, I understand, but I'm actually very strong~"

    Hehe. Nuliang Rikusheng only thought he was joking.

    Jiang Qi looked around in confusion, "Where is this place?"

    Nuliang Lusheng was speechless: "Didn't you come here specially? You don't know where this is?"

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