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    Nuliang Huapiao was stunned for a moment, and when he was stunned, Jiang Qi, who had become ten centimeters, had already floated to his cheek, and pursed his small lips on his cheek for a bit.

    To see if this little man intends to continue, Nuliang Huapiao recovered from his numbness, and carefully pinched the back collar of the little man's neck with two fingers, for fear that he might not pay attention to this The child was crushed to death.

    Jiang Qi tilted his head innocently, as if wondering why he wanted to stop him.

    Nuliang Huapiao's tone was strange: "You want the yang energy on my body? Have you looked for someone else?"

    Jiang Qizheng shook his head: "No, I have never heard of a person or monster who smells so fragrant like you before."

    Nuliang Huapiao's heart A loose, like letting go of a big stone stuck in the heart.     "Then you were able to transform before because you licked my mouth?"

    Jiang Qi said with a smile: "Yes, yes, it's a pity that the time is too short!


Twisting her small body, she never saw the intention of the other party to let go of her. She thought that the other party had concerns and disagreed, so she immediately flattered her eyes and said, "Don't worry, you have a lot of yang energy in your body, and it is increasing every day. I suck so much that it is not as fast as your daily increase!"

    Nuliang Huapiao didn't care about this, his ears felt hot, he coughed heavily, and said a bit awkwardly: "There is no other way for you to inhale Yang Qi Do you have to kiss..."

    Jiang Qi suddenly wrinkled his bun face: "Yes, there is another way, and that way is faster...but..."

    Nuliang Huapiao didn't wait for him After finishing speaking, he immediately said: "Then use another method!" As soon as the words fell, he suddenly felt a sense of disappointment and wanted to take back the words, but in the end he held back with his own willpower. As long as it's not a kiss anytime, anywhere, any method is fine.

    Jiang Qi twisted his small body, and kept rubbing the corners of his clothes with his small hands. If Nuliang Huapiao looked carefully, he would find that Jiang Qi's face was flushed, and his small mouth was opening and closing, not knowing what to say.

    In fact, Jiang Qi is saying: It’s really embarrassing to use the way of intercourse?·°(???﹏???)°·?And he is still young now, so he has to... Σ(|||▽|| | )

    Nuliang Huapiao said: "Since I promised to let you absorb Yang Qi, shouldn't you also show something?"

    Jiang Qi said directly: "I agree with you!"


    "Want to take advantage of me?" Nuliang Huapiao poked his little head amusingly, Jiang Qi hugged his fingers tightly with both hands to prevent him from poking, and glared at him angrily. Nuliang slipped the goblet for a while but didn't take it out, so he let him hold it.

    Jiang Qi: "Then what do you want to do?"

    Nu Liang Hua Piao's pair of intoxicating golden eyes reflected his small figure upside down. I don't know why Jiang Qi always felt creepy when he heard him say, "Have a cup of wine with me." Let's go."

    "Eh, eh???"

    It turns out...so...is it a marriage proposal! ! ! How embarrassing! (/≧w\)

    Nuliang Huapiao raised his eyebrows and glanced at Jiang Qi, who was blushing and dizzy, Jiang Qi: "Okay...Okay~(?′w'?)" Hey, it's so

    rippling The tone is not my father!

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