145: Planting Small Poison

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    On the first day of the new year, red blessings are hung on the doorstep of every house, New Year couplets are pasted, everyone has a happy smile on their faces, children wearing new clothes are fighting with each other on the busy street, the sound of firecrackers is constant, everything Represents the new atmosphere.

    "Uncle, give me a bun." The dirty waif held two copper coins in his hand and handed them to the bun shop owner.

    "Okay, I'm sorry, I'll give you one more."

    "Thank you!" The child smiled weakly, as if he wanted to express his gratitude, but unfortunately his hair was messy and blocked his face. However, the clear and crisp voice was comfortable in the store owner's ears, so he unconsciously wrapped one more for him.

    This child is Jiang Qi who passed through yesterday. He was originally a wandering and stupid beggar. Because of his stupid character, he was often bullied by others. Not long ago, because of the rain, his body, which was not strong at all, suffered from the cold , and then died, and then Jiang Qi took over the body.

    "Get out of the way—get out of the way—" A loud voice came from the crowd in the distance, and then the bustling crowd surged and parted a road.

    Jiang Qi stared curiously in the middle of the crowd, and kept whispering to the bun in his hand, and took a bite when he thought it was suitable.

    No preservatives added, pure natural meat buns.


    The child's eyes narrowed into a happy line. The boy sitting in the carriage glanced in this direction casually, and frowned when he saw the little beggar covered in dirt, like a stone thrown into a peaceful place. There were ripples in the lake water.

    The young man in the car resisted the strange feeling, and said to the young man beside him: "Brother, the Central Plains is really chaotic, and you can see beggars everywhere." The young man: "Haha, in

    this world, where are there no beggars? We have arrived In the territory of the Central Plains, you should not talk about it."

    "Oh." The boy shut up dissatisfiedly, and opened the curtain again to look at the place where the little beggar was standing before, but he was disappointed that he did not find it.

    Feeling lost, my heart is empty, as if something important is missing.

    Seeing him like this, the young man couldn't help showing a "fatherly" smile on his face. He didn't expect that Ouyang Feng, in the original book, was so cute when he was young! Of course, it would be even cuter if he didn't give him a cuckold in the future. →_→

    Jiang Qi has returned to the ruined temple where the original owner was staying at this time, he has seen the target of the attack, and now the second step is to pack up and find him.

    Just now, so many people didn't look at Lao Gong, but just took a second look at him. It must have been love at first sight (?) for him! At this time, Lao Gong was still a juvenile boy, and he couldn't see any connection with the legendary old poison in the future.

    The original body really didn't have anything to tidy up, only the clothes he was wearing, Jiang Qi thought for a while, found a few copper plates hidden in the corner, and left. After taking two steps, he seemed to realize something. He ran to the small river in the outskirts and carefully cleaned his body up and down. Looking at the handsome little boy reflected in the lake, Jiang Qi nodded with satisfaction. .

    The child looks like seven or eight years old. It is absolutely unexpected that he is actually 13 years old. Although he looks sallow and thinner, he can still see his original delicate facial features. If he is well-raised, he will definitely be a handsome man again.

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