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    Jiang Qi noticed Assistant Wen's fiery gaze and glanced at him. Although he didn't see any malice in it, he still didn't like this kind of probing eyes, so he moved, moved his feet, and quietly hid in Atobe Yuan behind.

    Sure enough, after Assistant Wen couldn't see him, he didn't dare to look directly at the big boss, so he could only look away.

    Assistant Wen: "Okay, I will arrange it as soon as possible."

    Atobuyuan turned away the young man behind him, with the corners of his mouth raised, obviously in a better mood, and said: "Go down, I will drive back by myself."

    Naturally, Assistant Wen didn't dare to say too much say what.

    After Assistant Wen left, Jiang Qicai came out from behind Atobuyuan, and Atobuyuan asked: "Where is your home, I will take you back first."

     Jiang Qi was taken aback, and said: "But I am your bodyguard, shouldn't I always be by your side?"

    Atobe Fuchi said: "...I think you misunderstood, the bodyguard only needs to follow me when I go out."

    So please don't be surprised already. He is not interested in letting the bodyguard follow him when he sleeps and takes a bath.

    Jiang Qi's eyes widened, as if he was deceived by the word close to the body.

    I always feel that the word close to him that he knows is different from the word that the CEO of Atobu recognizes.

    Jiang Qi used to write novels on the Internet. It is better to say that he simply wrote down the protagonist's experience. The protagonist is so pure that he cannot be more pure. A fresh stream of authors from a group of veteran drivers.

    The most dirty part of the novel is probably the word close to the body. Usually when the protagonist of the novel he wrote is ambiguous with others, it is just close to the body, close to the body, and only touches the little hands.

    This is why although he has a good writing style, he has never become a great god.

    And because there are few homosexuals in reality, he subconsciously didn't want to go online to find those basic things about men and women. It wasn't until he entered the world of the prince of tennis that he knew he needed to know something, so he used Atobebuchi's cell phone to learn about it briefly.

    Thinking that it wasn't what he knew, Jiang Qi lowered his head slightly in frustration, if he couldn't get close, how could he find a chance to get the sperm of the other party.

    Little did he know that his current appearance was like a kitten that didn't get his favorite toy, it was very pitiful.

    Atobe Fuchi poked in his heart, and immediately pretended to cover his mouth and turned away from looking at him, blushing on both sides of his cheeks.

    Wait, Atobubuchi, you can't be so unpromising, and you can't be fooled by the other person's cute appearance, he is not as innocent as you think.

    Jiang Qi: "w?"

    Atobebuchi: "..."

    "You come to work at the company tomorrow." Atobebuchi said, fled here as if fleeing, and drove away in the car.

    Forced to eat the exhaust of a car, Jiang Qi was stunned: "..."

    In the car, Atobe Yuan, who was almost fleeing, turned red and looked straight ahead, his heart was beating violently. Suddenly, he slapped the steering wheel nervously, He drove the car back again.

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