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    "Ahhhhhhhh, it's from the night department! Master Jiu Lanshu is so handsome! Look at me!"

    Heizhu Academy, outside the night department, on both sides of a wide road are full of young and beautiful cute beauties Girls' door, the girls dressed themselves up beautifully, originally elegant and dignified, but now they screamed loudly and disregarded the image because of a few men who came out of the night department.

    Lan Tangying, with blond hair and a baby face, blew kisses to the girls on both sides, "Hi everyone~ Another beautiful day." "

    Master Ying—good morning!"

    "They are so handsome I can't breathe anymore, ehhhhhhhhhhhhh—"

    "The goddesses are so beautiful~" These are the male students from the daytime department.

    "Huh? Why is Master Zhikui so listless today?" A sharp-eyed girl noticed the problem and wondered.

    The male classmate next to her rolled his eyes at her, "Since when did Zhikui ever feel energetic? It's a strange thing to be energetic, okay?

    " He resorted to eight-stage killing: "I know! I want you to take care of it!" "


    But Zhikui Qianli didn't know that because of him, two people started fighting. At this time, he was indeed as the female classmate said, he was in a state of confusion, and the whole person seemed to be falling asleep.

    Li Mo asked: "What's the matter?"

    Zhi Kui Qianli slapped the cream, and instantly woke up: "Ah, nothing, nothing."     Li Mo

    remained expressionless: "Are you worrying about yesterday?"

Too tacit understanding is also a very troublesome thing.

    Li Mo tilted her head strangely: "Why? Mom obviously didn't object."

    Zhi Kui Qianli: "...It's not a question of whether he objects or not!"

    Li Mo looked puzzled.

    Zhikui Qianli: "You are a man, why did I never know it before! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴"

    Li Mo said seriously, "I thought you already knew." After all, we have such a tacit understanding.

    Zhikui Qianli almost took a bite Blood spurts out.

    No matter how calm he is usually, meeting Zhi Kui Limo and his mother won’t help.

    These two people can easily step on his irritable point.

    For example, he asked his mother why his surname was Zhi Kui, and he One’s surname is Jiulan and the other’s surname is Jiang. I never expected him to answer in this way.

    Jiang Qi: Ah, because I gave birth to you while eating okra. I just finished eating one and called it Zhikui Qianli. Don't worry, your nickname is Zhikui Qianli, and your first name is Jiulan Qianli.

    Zhikui Qianli: "..." Jiulan

    Litu gave him a sympathetic look at that time, and he was so ignorant back then The corner of

    Zhikui Qianli's mouth twitched: "Then mom, after you adopted Limo, why did you call him Jiang Limo instead of Zhikui or Jiulan?" Jiang Qi gave Limo a look and asked her to say. Limo nodded, with a serious


    : "German orthopedics is not so perfect now, so brothers and sisters are not good!"

    Zhi Kuiqianli: "???" What does it matter in Germany that brothers and sisters are not good? Do vampires also go to orthopedics? Isn't it common for brothers and sisters to get married? Why is it not good?

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