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    Although a few people saw Peach Blossom Island, but for some reason, it took a lot of time to land on the island.

    The ink marks sprinkle peach blossoms while drunk, and the spots on the stone are like clouds. Lang said that Wuling is beautiful in spring, but he has never been here in Panxiancha.

    A peach forest, flowers and leaves are falling. The mysterious Peach Blossom Island is extremely beautiful, its beauty is not only the scenery, but also the danger. If you are immersed in the beauty and ignore the peach blossom formation, and break into the peach blossom island at a loss, without the owner or someone who is proficient in the formation to lead the way, I am afraid that you will always be in the peach blossom formation.

    As soon as Ouyang Feng and the others set foot on this island, Huang Yaoshi, the owner, knew about it.

    Ouyang Feng? What's he doing here when he's not staying in the Western Regions? Could it be because of the Nine Yin Manual?

    In recent days, Huang Yaoshi, who has been fed up with the Nine Yin Manual, thought of the rumor that Ouyang Feng was obsessed with martial arts, and his first thought was that the other party also came for the Nine Yin Manual.

    Although he is younger than Ouyang Feng, he has always been in the same generation as Ouyang Feng, and they are both one of the five masters. Ten years ago, their martial arts were evenly divided. Now that more than ten years have passed, I don't know what the opponent's current strength is. Sample.

    Thinking of this, Huang Yaoshi flickered and ran towards the shore of the island.

    "My mother, Daddy! There are mice here——"

    Before Huang Yaoshi reached the shore of the island, he heard a piercing scream. Then followed by a low and full of angry roar.

    "Get down from the tree quickly! You are not afraid of snakes, but you are afraid of mice?! Why didn't I realize that you are afraid before?"

    Huang Yaoshi looked intently, and saw the fresh and handsome young man in a white robe with his feet off the ground at this moment. Hugging tightly to a peach blossom tree in a very imageless manner.

    The young man glanced at the little mouse in fear, "That's not because snakes can eat mice—it doesn't move QAQ, daddy will drive it away—" Ouyang Feng was angry and funny:

    " It's just a mouse, you imposing seven-foot man, how can you be afraid of it! Come down and beat it to death."

    "I don't——I just think of standing on the same ground with it, and my legs become weak! QAQ" "

    You come down—"

    "I don't want to!"

    "Pff——" Huang Yaoshi couldn't help feeling amused .

    "Who -!" A sharp light flashed in Ouyang Feng's eyes, and he was in front of Huang Yaoshi almost in the blink of an eye. Huang Yaoshi was taken aback, secretly astonished that the opponent's martial arts were much higher than last time.

    The two fought each other a few back and forth.

    Then invariably stop.

    "Huang Yaoshi."

    "Ouyang Feng."

    The little mouse had already run away because of the movement of the two of them. Ouyang Ke shrank back from the tree tremblingly, and when his feet hit the ground, he still felt a little weak.

    He wanted to cry again when he heard the strange man who suddenly appeared and announced his family name.

    The little secret he had carefully hidden was not only known by his father, but also seen by a strange man! !

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