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    "Mi Ji."

    "Oh, I know mom, I'm so sleepy, let me sleep a little longer~" Mi Ji rubbed the quilt, subconsciously acting coquettishly.

    The person who came: "..."

    After waiting for a long time, he didn't wait until his dear mother coaxed him to wake up, thinking that his mother was angry, he immediately opened his eyes, only to see the white-haired little ghost Qi Ya.

    The flustered eyes immediately turned into dead fish eyes: "Oh, it's Qi Ya, what are you doing?"

    Qi Ya sneered: "It's you who has something to do, right? If I heard correctly just now, are you acting like a baby? Fortunately, my mother didn't Here, otherwise you should go to the punishment room again."

    "What are you talking about." Mi Ji glanced at him: "It's as if you have never acted like a baby to your mother, and I saw you acted like a baby yesterday. "

    Qi Ya was inexplicably wronged, and blushed: "Fatty! You are talking nonsense!" "

    Fatty? Are you blind! Have you ever seen a fat man who is so slender??!" "

    Oh, slim?" Qi Ya despised Looking at his obese body, "You haven't woken up

    from a dream, right?" Body, chubby fingers, Wu Day doesn't remind him...

    ——This is not his body! !

    Mi Ji, 18 years old this year, in the prime of his youth, his face was originally green and moist, but he woke up overnight and turned into a big fat man! ! ! !

    Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

    Mom, come and save me!

    correct! Mother!

    Mi Ji suddenly thought of it, jumped up and pushed Qiya away, before he could put on his shoes, Qiya was pushed and staggered, muttering dissatisfiedly: "What's the matter with the fat man?" Eh wait, the fat man is not here now, no one is

    there Looking at the surveillance... Hehe, isn't this the best time for him to escape!

    Barefoot, Mi Chi crossed the courtyard and ran all the way to the living room, "Mom—" "

    Mi Chi? Why are you—ahhh——" Kiqiu screamed loudly, his electronic eyes flashed, and pointed at Mi Chi Ji's bare feet: "Michi——! Why don't you wear shoes! It's too disrespectful!"     Miji was stunned:

    "Who are you?"

Mom doesn’t even know her anymore!”

    Mi Ji: “!!!” Has the world changed or he has changed! ? No, it seems like he has changed too, so everything has changed?

    "You're not my mother!" Mi Ji didn't believe that the screaming woman in front of him could be his mother with a gentle smile. Although her mother had a dark belly and loved to punish him a little, and she was actually a man, he only recognized him as the only one. Mother!

    Ji Qiu was surprised: "Mi Ji? What's the matter with you today?"

    Before she could ask clearly, Wu Tong suddenly appeared, bent down and said, "Ma'am, Master Qi Ya is running away from home." "

    What?!" Ji Qiu pointed He yelled, completely ignoring the second son who was still barefoot in front of him, and hurriedly walked towards the gate with his skirt lifted.

    Mi Ji quietly watched her leave, feeling a little sad suddenly in his heart.

    He clutched his chest in bewilderment, strange, why should I feel uncomfortable?

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