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    The little boy walked into the store, and immediately saw a little girl sitting on the sofa alone. The little girl was small, sitting on the soft sofa, wearing a furry hat, as if she was about to sink into the sofa Dumplings are the same.

    Protagonist? Little boy? Tang Han's heart started to jump, his face turned red, it was the first time he took the initiative to hook up, bah! Pick up people your own age.

    The following photographer followed him in surprise. He has been following Tang Han for several days, and this is the first time that he will take the initiative to talk to others when he sees him.

    "Let's Go Children" is a live variety show. The only feature is that the live broadcast is not fake. It has made many people who have children and are about to be buried, and some people with bad conduct have shown their true colors, making stars love it again. Hate again.

    Tang Han's father is an actor, and his mother is a famous screenwriter. Not to mention his parents' love, Tang Han participated in the show and won him a lot of fans with his handsome and cute face and clever and funny head.

    Although the program "Let's Go Children" is broadcast live, there is still a script. This time, apart from Tang Han's family, there are four other star families participating. The five families are divided into five teams, and each team needs Complete the tasks assigned to them by the program group.    

     Leaving aside the tasks of other adults, this time their children's task is: winter is coming, please use one hundred yuan to buy things you need in winter. In the end, which team of children bought the most things will win the first place and get rewards.    

     That's why Tang Han came here alone.     In the live broadcast room: Xiaohanhan's future mother-in-law: Xiaohanhan is very bold, she will not be afraid.    

     An angry frog: I'm a little worried, the program team is too sloppy, what can I buy with a hundred dollars! Not even a single piece of warm clothing can be bought! I feel sorry for Xiaohanhan.    

    Poisonous radish: Xiaohan, come on, come on, come on—    

     bad couple: Xiaohan, where are you going? Wait, there's a little loli in there! ! !

    Mirage: "Xiao Hanhan, go up, hurry up—take down little Lolita with your handsome face—"

    I will! Tang Han clenched his fists in his heart. Muster up the courage to walk to Jiang Qi's side.


    Jiang Qi: "Huh?"

    Tang Han raised his chin, his face proud: "You have taken a fancy to me, let's be friends!"

    Jiang Qi: "...Huh?"

    Tang Han blushed Face: "I mean I'm handsome, let's be friends!"

    Jiang Qi: "..."

    The live broadcast room was stunned by Tang Han's way of striking up a conversation:

    Subject is my love: 666

    Bad couple: 66666

    Little : 6666666

    Xiaohanhan's future mother-in-law: 2333 Xiaohanhan said it the other way around, hahahaha it's too funny.

    An angry frog: 23333 lost the chain at the critical moment, and was spoiled by cuteness!

    Tomorrow will be better: what to do, suddenly this pair of cp is cute, hold me fast, they are still children! ! QAQ

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