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    After Huamanlou heard Lu Xiaofeng mention that the cold and arrogant Ximen was willing to help in order to find a person in the painting, he "looked" at Ximen Chuixue in surprise, from the first feeling he subconsciously felt that this sword god was As a cold-hearted person, he thought that the sword god Ximen Chuuxue would never have someone he likes in his life, but he turned out to be so affectionate.

    "I don't know the name of the person Ximen Zhuang is looking for? Maybe I can help."

    Lu Xiaofeng pricked up his ears.

    Ximen Chuuxue pursed his lips: "Jiang Qi."

    Jiang Qi? The name sounds familiar.

    Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou were stunned at the same time, they thought the name was very familiar, but when they thought about it carefully, they didn't know where they heard it.

    Lu Xiaofeng: "Is he famous in Jianghu?" Otherwise, why would he vaguely feel that this name is very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

    Ximen Chuuxue, who has never paid attention to Jianghu affairs, said: "...Probably not."

    His mother has always been quiet and has no interest in Jianghu affairs. She only concentrates on business strategies. The old man is the one who is famous, so he should not be famous, right?

    Lu Xiaofeng: Could it be that I remembered wrongly?

    Ximen Fuxue's eyes flickered.

    Lu Xiaofeng guessed in an instant that the other party must be hiding something: "..."

    Lu Xiaofeng suddenly realized that he had overlooked many important things. You want me to help you find someone, but you only tell me his name and appearance, and you don’t tell me other information, it’s a huge crowd, where can I find him for you?” Ximen Chuuxue said

    calmly He picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, without the slightest embarrassment of being pierced by someone, "I believe you."

    Lu Xiaofeng: "..."

    "Ah, I remembered." Hua Manlou who had been in deep thought suddenly said .


    "Jiang Qi, the name of the head of the Jiang family is also Jiang Qi, and he often has business contacts with his father, no wonder it sounds so familiar." Hua Manlou then hesitated: "But the time is wrong, the head of the Jiang family is already middle-aged , more than twenty years older than Master Ximen Zhuang. Ximen Zhuangzhu's sweetheart can't be him..."

    Lu Xiaofeng kept staring at Ximen Chuixue, and when Huamanlou said the words Jiang Family Patriarch, he It was obvious that the other party's eyes softened a little. Confirming his guess in his heart, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Hua Manlou, we have all fallen into a wrong turn, Ximen only said that I should find someone, but he didn't say that this person is his. My sweetheart. We have misunderstood all this time."

    Hua Manlou was stunned, "It is true that the owner has never admitted it."

    Ximen Chuuxue, who was exposed in less than an hour, said: "..."

    Lu Xiaofeng, it is really frightening to be fooled. In the past...

    Lu Xiaofeng is in a very good mood at the moment: "Then, can the owner of Ximen tell me about your relationship with him?"     Ximen Chuuxue

    : "Don't tell."

: "..."

    Hua Manlou, who almost burst out laughing: "..."

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