Chapter 2

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A/N: Another piece by my AI bot to help me get across the classroom I envisioned.

Chase's POV

I sat in class in thought as we all waited for the professor to arrive.

It was a relatively small class since this wasn't one of the freshman courses or the mandatory art course people usually took to get an art credit.

There was about twenty of us that signed up for the course but only about half of us were early birds.

I loved the class room due to its huge size and that the entire side wall was made of glass. The ceiling was super high too, and thanks to the glass wall, a lot of natural light poured into the classroom.

We were all spread out throughout the classroom with only two people actually sitting next to each other talking. Judging by their scents, I was the only wolf in this class but I wasn't surprised.

I was the only one that chose Art as a major out of the group of wolves that started college around the same time as me.

At least that's what I thought until a familiar scent hit my nose.

I instantly tore my eyes away from the window wall and almost broke my neck to look at him.

Juno walked in with a frown on his face as he walked into the classroom.

I smirked immediately the moment we made eye contact.

He looked annoyed already but I guess being in the same class as me this semester was the cherry on top of the cake.

He looked away almost instantly and took his seat as far away from me as possible. He took the seat closest to the door which was strange for a college student but I knew it was because the second class was over, he wanted to be the first out the door.

My mind exploded with reasons why he was probably in this class and the only thing I could think of was he only needed one semester of this class to get his credit back. He probably took this class in the past and only had enough attendance for half the semester and needed to get that other half back.

Either that or he somehow failed the second half entirely.

It honestly didn't matter why he was in this class with me despite not being an Art major, I was just happy he was in here.

It was funny how fate worked. He didn't want to accept me as his mate and probably wanted to avoid me yet here he was, in a class with me that he absolutely couldn't avoid being in.

I mean unless he wanted to stay in college even longer which I'm sure his dad, our super duper strict Alpha, would hate.

And I thought it was adorable how he was blushing in anger while looking away from me right now. His arms were crossed and he was staring at the paintings on the wall to his right, just to avoid looking my way.

"What's a guy majoring in Communications doing in this Art studio class?" I mindlinked Juno and he shut me out quickly.

He didn't even bother answering me, just blocked me out of his mind entirely.

I laughed to myself lowly, making sure I didn't laugh loud enough to catch the attention of anyone near me.

This course was going to be relatively easy and now I had my own personal entertainment on top of everything.

At first I was mad that he rejected me but now I was glad at the way things turned around.

Usually people were sad at being rejected but I was a bit off in the head to begin with. I've never been turned down by any of my partners in the past but since Juno was my mate, I needed him to see what he was missing out on.

I wanted him to regret it.

And man did I want him to regret it badly.

He was my type physically but his personality seriously needed some work, and maybe me making him regret his rejection might help him lean towards being a better man. The way he thought was too simple minded.

Plus, him rejecting me doesn't just affect him. It affects me too and by him lying about his true feelings, it was just making things more complicated.

Now if he rejected me flat out with more sincere feelings, I'd understand. But he didn't and that's where he slipped up.

And it wasn't like I just wanted to simply make him regret everything or just be jealous, I wanted him to be obsessed with me. That's the way mates were supposed to be about each other anyways.

My mother and father were a prime example.

Wherever my mom left for work, my dad's only thought was what time she'd return to him since they were so inseparable. And that's the type of mate I always dreamt of.

If they weren't thinking about me 24/7, then were they really my fated pair? I wanted someone that would think of me wither I was right by their side or whenever I wasn't.

Someone that would be there to spoil me and be glued to my side. Someone that could protect me and make me feel safe.

Yet I was stuck with the guy in Sports Communications that couldn't be honest with himself. He liked attention wither it was good or bad, and I just happened to be the best way for him to get it.

While walking Mimi to class, I heard our packs public mindlink going crazy. All his guy friends were raving about how they wanted to take Juno out partying to get his mind off being mates with an "emo bottom."

And he was joining in on their conversation without caring that Mimi and I heard their thoughts openly. Maybe that's why she was so concerned for me but she didn't know that I didn't really mind it.

If he wanted to go out and get crazy with his guy friends I could care less. I just wanted him to keep that same energy during our entire semester stuck here together.

They were grossed out because they thought I was dressed too different from them but this was just one of my many aesthetics. I changed my looks based on my mood and how I felt like dressing.

It just happened to be this past month, I've been really liking my alt looks. I wasn't "emo" I was just wearing my basic goth or grunge clothes since they were comfortable.

They were overreacting but I was planning on changing up my look for this semester anyway. I was in my cocky era and now I suddenly felt like partying...a lot.

I smiled to myself just thinking about going shopping after I finished up with all my classes today.

A Wolf's Jealousy and Rejection (BXB) Where stories live. Discover now