Chapter 27

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A/N: Re-Published Chapter because apparently I posted the unrevised version!

Chase's POV

I blinked my tears away as he tugged my arm towards him so hard, my body flew into his chest. He pulled me onto his lap, where I faced him face to face and he used his left hand to wipe my tears away as he wrapped his right arm around my body to support me.

   But no matter how many he tried to wipe away, they just kept falling.

   I was going to try to wiggle out from his grasp but then I felt his lips lightly brush against mine, immediately stopping my tears as he pulled his head away from mine with a slight blush on his face.

"I didn't call you out to talk about us not being mates. Like I said I want to accept you. All of you. It's starting to get difficult for me to be around you. Seeing you with other guys, smelling you but not being able to be close to you..." Juno admitted but his words just made my tears come back again.

   He just kissed me.

   Juno. The asshole that's been causing me the most stress lately and still has me on an emotional roller coaster just kissed me.

   It was a light peck, but it was still a kiss. If I had my eyes closed, I wouldn't even have thought it happened at all. His lips were so soft and full but instead of kissing me head on and strong, he left a light butterfly kiss onto my lips.

"Liar. Not once did I ever see my scent affect you." I told him lowly as he looked into my eyes with his blue ones with a pained expression on his face.

   He wasn't mentioning the kiss at all so neither was I. I guess it was his way of shutting me up and keeping me here to hear him out, and I hated that it worked.

"Oh yeah? You might not be able to see it right now given the position we're in but you can't tell me you can't feel how your scent affects me." He said and I was confused until he shuffled me on his lap.

I was shocked to feel exactly what he was talking about starting to poke my ass and I felt my face get hot again.

"Are you seriously getting hard from seeing me cry?!" I asked him loudly in both embarrassment and anger, but all he did was lean forward and inhale my scent deeply.

I felt his nose brush against the side of my neck and the omega in me caused me to expose my neck more to him. He seemed to really like that because he sniffed at my neck again with a satisfied low growl.

   "How could it not drive me insane? You smell so sweet. I had to really hold myself back which is why you probably misunderstood. Even when you were in heat, the stronger your pheromones got, the more I seemed to start losing control. And if I just marked you because we were mates...that just wouldn't sit right with me." He explained while I listed to him talk.

   "I always dreamt of marking my mate after getting to know them on a deeper connection first. Which coming from me might be surprising so you might not believe me but it's true. Yeah I've had meaningless sex before I found out you were my mate, but the sex with my mate is supposed to be like my turning point in life." He continued and I shifted in his lap again to get more comfortable.

   Hearing him say these things were reassuring and it made me understand why he rejected me a bit better? It was kind of hard to hear his reasonings at first but the more he went in on the clearer it got.

   He just didn't want us to be like the couples that acted as if they were instantly in love after finding out they were mates. And it made sense. I don't think we love each other at all right now.

   We're just two guys that are attracted to each other since we found out we were destined to be together.

We didn't know anything really about each other.

   Like we grew up together sure, but when we were going through puberty we strayed away from each other.

   I don't know his favorite color, season, food or roughly anything other than that he likes to work out and has a short temper. This was actually the longest we ever spoke to each other in years as well as the longest we've went without being rude to each other.

   "You said you didn't want to lose to your instincts but isn't you kissing me and accepting me doing just that? You're only accepting me because you're starting to lose your sense of control." I asked causing him to finally pull his face away from my neck.

   When he pulled back I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. Him being that close to my neck sent shivers down my spine and was about to start making me tremble in his lap.

   Our necks were very sensitive and with him being my fated mate and all, him being that close made me jittery.

   If he wanted to mark me during our bounding session, he'd either go to the back of my neck near my nape or one of the sides of my neck immediately. It was a delicate area and it was an area seen by everyone.

   It was kind of like him showing off he marked me?

   It was hard to explain but seeing a mark on a werewolf's neck wasn't unusual at all. Male wolves with or without Alpha blood seem to be obsessed with marking and after one is made, it never fades.

It was kind of spooky since we as wolves naturally heal from a lot of wounds but a mark from your mate lasts forever. That goes the same with scars too.

   Goddess forbid it ever happened but if he did somehow harm me, the scar wouldn't go away.

   Usually mates have an effect on each other that wouldn't cause them to want to harm each other because hurting them was like hurting yourself, and now that I was an omega, even wolves that weren't mated to me in our pack wouldn't want to hurt me.

   At least their instincts would mostly be to protect me but that isn't always the case so I still have to be careful and watch out for myself.

   "I mean yeah I kind of failed but at the same time I thought about it and it won't kill us to try right? Plus I couldn't really think of another way to make you stop crying." He asked me as as he caressed my cheek with his left hand.

   His right arm was still supporting my back so I wouldn't lean back and fall, but he started to bounce his right leg up and down nervously.

   "So can you forgive me and accept me? I promise I'll try to think before I speak and not act rashly." He pleaded as I heard his heartbeat start to pound in his chest.

   It was the words I always wanted to hear from him and he was finally saying them.

   My friends and family, and even his older brother, wanted us to talk out our issues and resolve them so as could be better mates moving forward.

   I was going to accept him since it just made perfect sense but I wanted him to promise me more things first.

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