Chapter 78

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Chase's POV

"No...I don't think I could leave you if we got in that situation. I'd just get captured again with you." I told him as I reached over and carefully traced my hands along his bandage, causing him to hiss out in pain.

Then I realized he probably wanted to cover the area with his own hands but he couldn't due to the cuffs so I tried to skeleton key to see if they'd work on those too, and they did.

He thanked me and rubbed his wrists before scooting over, making some distance grow between us so I closed the distance just as fast.

"The hell are you hiding now?" I asked him lowly so other wolves upstairs didn't hear me if my voice got loud.

"I have no clue? whatever do you mean? I ain't hiding nothin'." Romeo said while looking away from me and I stood up quickly.

His eyes widened and I forcefully began to inspect his body, and then I spotted my worse fear.

"No way..." I told him before covering my mouth and he closed his eyes in disappointment.

The back of his neck had a very deep bite mark on it. I didn't even smell any other wolves scent coming from it so I was a bit thrown off but the closer I got to it, I smelt a faint scent.

It must've been done before he was brought here and thankfully it wasn't Archers scent...But it was still someone who belonged to this pack somehow.

"I don't want to talk about it right now...Let's just try to get out of here." Romeo said before reaching his hand out to me so I took it shakily.

His bite mark looked nothing like looked way more painful, like the wolf that bit him didn't care about inflicting the mark at all. I was lucky enough that Juno lovingly marked me but...Romeo's looked forced and the fact that he was trying to hide it made me nervous.

Who bit him? It wasn't Archer but I know for sure he knew who the owner of that bite mark was, and I couldn't even tell if it was just a marking like mine or a forced bonding one since it was so dark in here. And I doubted Romeo would tell me regardless.

He seemed disappointed and upset about it so I didn't want to press the subject any further. He'd tell someone when he was ready to talk about it.

Plus, since he wanted to escape with me without mentioning finding the owner of that bite; I think it's safe for me to assume it's someone he didn't want to stay here for or go get to come with us.

I followed Romeo slowly as he led me out of the cellar using the key and up the stairway slowly. The loud chaos and commotion from upstairs died down almost completely, so he pressed his ear against the door.

I watched as he just stood there, listening with his eyes closed for a bit before finally moving away.

"There's one wolf down the hallway about 5 meters from where this entrance is. The way I hear his voice bouncing off the wall I'm going to assume his backs facing us so if we work quickly, I can take him out then we can leave out the back entrance." Romeo said and I just blinked in response.

The fact he can pinpoint where the voice was coming from just reminded me how badly he wanted to be Juno's beta if he became the Alpha. Juno worked hard training every day so of course I should've figured Romeo would've been too.

Seeing him like this instead of how he usually was when he was fighting and arguing with Mimi was a bit reassuring but it was also a bit eye opening.

He was injured but was doing his best to protect and worry about me rather than himself and his own injuries.

"I remember the way to the back entrance since I pretended to be asleep when they brought me inside the building, we just need to be careful with the cameras." Romeo explained and I nodded my head.

Archer was definitely still on those cameras and he was either super mad I was missing or humored by me getting in the way of his plan.

Either way, I don't think it would be a good idea for us to get caught again. They'd definitely restrain us even worse than before and make it harder for us to escape again.

And maybe this time, they'd separate us even further. Which was something I didn't want. Now that I knew Romeo was here, seeing a familiar face calmed me down in this shit show.

"From now on, let's use our link so we don't get caught with our voices." I suggested and I saw the determination on Romeo's face before he nodded.

I couldn't let him do all the planning, future potential Beta or not, he was injured as hell and I needed to step up too.

After he finally opened the door with a slight creak, I watched as he smoothly slid past the entrance way and began to take off his clothes.

I pouted, knowing what I had to do as I followed suit. We both shifted and when the guy down the hallway finally noticed, Romeo was already pouncing on him.

"You're going to reopen your wounds." I scolded Romeo as I placed Juno's shirt and briefs into my mouth.

Romeo might've not cared about the little clothing he had on, but these still had Juno's scent on them. It was super weak and faded but it was something.

"Okay I'll try to watch it. Now let's go." He said and I quickly went behind him and followed him out of the building.

I followed behind him so closely, I was practically his shadow.

If we were being caught on camera right now, Archer made no moves to stop us so maybe he was away from them and was looking for us too?

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