Chapter 93

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Chase's POV

I don't know when, but I ended up falling asleep again.

I was up now and yawned dramatically as I opened my eyes and stretched my arms up as high as they could go in the air.

Juno wasn't besides me anymore but at least my body didn't ache as much.

I got out of bed dazed and noticed that he even cleaned up the mess in my room I caused when I was in heat. I let out a light chuckle when I saw that he placed my sex toy on the dresser upright since he didn't know what to do with it.

I didn't even end up using that stupid dildo but seeing that he touched it and even moved it out the way to clean was funny to me.

I headed straight for my bathroom and it was even cleaned in here making me ponder about how long I was out for.

He wasn't in here either but it still smelled like him and looked like he showered in here earlier. I still had some clean towels in here so I ran my shower water and looked at myself in the mirror as I waited for it to warm up.

I still couldn't help but look at my scar on my shoulder but I tore my eyes away from it and decided to look at all the lovebites and bite marks Juno left all over my body.

My chest alone had several different little hickeys and teeth marks making me laugh to myself again.

The mark on my neck was still bruised up from when we bonded and I'm sure his was too. It didn't look extremely painful but it was super noticeable.

Anyone in the pack would notice right away and sense the difference since I wasn't just simply marked anymore.

I didn't even let him talk with my family much before we decided to do this. Hell, I haven't even had proper conversation with all of his siblings yet.

I couldn't help but think we kinda did stuff out of order in a way or skipped a few steps, but I was still excited that we were bonded.

"Good morning handsome." I mind-linked Juno as I walked over and felt my shower water with my hands to check the temperature.

I was finally allowed to be in his mind and he was in mine. It would probably take some getting used to since I wouldn't be able to block him out but I was the same wolf who never had his mind guards up anyways.

"Good morning Carino. Is your body okay?" Juno replied to me and I internally squealed like a fan girl.

Hearing him in my mind was so cool and we finally had a private link no one else could join. It was just between us and it made my feel like bonding already made us change.

"Yeah now that it's been hours after we went at it. My body finally had time to recover." I replied using our link before stepping into my shower.

The temperature was perfect but I hissed when the water hit my body since some of the marks burned under the water.

"Good. I'm glad to hear that. I'm just downstairs getting your breakfast ready." Juno answered making me hum aloud.

I closed my eyes as I let the water hit my body and just stood under the shower head for a few minutes before I actually started washing my body.

"Thank you baby. I appreciate that but don't you have to go back to school or do anything for your father today?" I asked him as I began scrubbing my body with my favorite body wash.

I just loved the way certain body washes were foamy and smelt so good. The feeling of it against my skin was also so gentle and amazing that I felt like buying it every time I was getting close to running out.

"I just have to go see my father to report on...the incident I had to take care of later. I was supposed to do it when I came back but Mimi told me your heat started so I rushed straight here when I got back." Juno informed me as I continued to hum a tune and wash my body.

"Do you want me to go with you? We kinda have to explain that we're bonded now to him too don't we?" I asked him as I slowly opened my eyes.

It was beginning to steam in here from how hot I made the water but it felt so good against my skin I didn't even care how it made my eyes water a bit.

He really did a number on me now that I was scrubbing myself because I even saw some bite marks in between my thighs. I couldn't see behind me but I was sure my ass probably had some too by the way it was throbbing under this water.

"Yeah we do don't we...luckily my family's having a gathering today for lunch later so we'll be able to tell them all at the same time." Juno said and I could sense he was happy.

Being able to sense his emotions was kinda strange but cool? It just felt different since we weren't in front of each other but sensing his emotions without seeing him was handy.

Being bonded was like our souls connecting. They always said wolves that were mates were each other halves so bonding was like bringing those halves together.

Aside from having an open private mind-link with him 24/7 now, I felt his emotions and he was able to feel mine. So far those were the only two differences I noticed but I'm sure there was way more.

I felt my mark tingle as I thought about him so I reached my hand up to touch it. I shuttered from just grazing it and moaned a bit once felt a shock of pleasure shoot throughout my body.

"I wouldn't touch it so soon if I were you. It might get your body worked up again and your heat just ended." Juno said through our link and I blushed.

Whenever I did something, he'd know now without me having to tell him. It was like our privacy for each other was nonexistent and that made me embarrassed.

I didn't reply to him out of shyness and went back to washing up so I could meet him downstairs for breakfast.

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