Chapter 80

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Chase's POV

"I think Archer wanted to force me into a bond. When we were on the way over here, I noticed it was starting to smell like rain was coming, so I looked up at the sky. And that's when I saw the moon, it was as clear as day even with the sun and clouds out, and I saw that its phase was going to be Full one soon." I admitted to him and his eyes widened in shock.

It was something I noticed but didn't even bother to think hard about since it wasn't strange for it to rain this season and time of year, and it's easy to spot the moon during the day.

But then I remembered Archer mentioned that he could tell I was just marked by Juno.

He could tell by Juno's scent on me and my bite mark but I guess bonded omegas really did give off different scents and vibes than other omegas or wolves that were just marked.

And Archer was insane! I wouldn't put it past him to go as far as forcing a wolf into a bond just to get under Juno's skin.

He wanted to push Juno to his limit with his crazed idea to truly upset him and aggravate him, and he wanted to use me as a tool in that plan.

I really hoped I was wrong but that would explain why he didn't have me locked up in the cellar with Romeo. He wanted to be the only male by my side if we were affected by the full moon so he could easily force me into a bond and not have anyone getting in his way.

Which would kinda of also explain why he was watching me through the cameras so strongly, he was probably looking for any signs of me going in heat or something since he didn't know I was irregular.

My heat went away quickly this time since me and Juno slept together but if we haven't, I'd still be in heat right now.

So I was thankful that he marked me before all this began. It gave me a sense of security but at the same time I felt stupid.

I was telling him not to worry about feeling forced to bond with me and that his dad, our Alpha, was wrong...but now I saw why he said what he did to Juno. He didn't want to upset his son, he just wanted to warn him of the dangers other packs could hold.

Like now.

I was an unbonded omega away from the safety of my pack. Even back at home, wolves could be affected by my pheromones in heat but with my mark, they'd see I was fated to be mates with Juno and hopefully back off.

But out here?

These wolves couldn't care less about who Juno was to me. He wasn't their potential next Alpha, Archer was. He was nothing but just another packs wolf. Sure he was our Alpha's son, but he was just one of many siblings.

So why would they care about him if he wasn't for sure going to be the next Alpha that could cause our treaties to end and engage in war?

Archer's thoughts aside, regular males in this pack don't care about who I am either or who I'm mated to. They'd just see me as a foreign wolf in heat and they could do as they pleased.

Those thoughts alone caused me to shiver in disgust and disbelief, causing Romeo to eye me.

"I shouldn't have told him not to worry about what his father told him...But I didn't want him to feel rushed into bonding with me. He was the one who said he didn't want to give into his instincts, but what if someone else marks me Romeo? Would he still stick besides me as my mate or would he just toss me away and go back to Emery?" I asked him as I let his clothes fall to the floor from my mouth.

I was soon to follow afterwards since I crashed down to the floor sadly.

I didn't want to think like this but there was a possibility now that another male would fuck me into submission and force a bond mark on me.

"He...he isn't the type of wolf to do that..." Romeo answered shakily and that made me look over at him worriedly.

He was laying down now too and I could see he was just as stressed as me now.

Maybe he wasn't bonded to whoever bit the hell out of him yet, so he was scared they'd hunt him down to finish the job?

I got up from where I laid down, and walked over to him and laid besides him.

I licked his cheek to try to calm him down and I noticed in this form, you could see how wet his injury was.

His bandages fell off a long time ago after he shifted, so now his ribs were just exposed again so I licked at his side in an attempt to help him heal, and he whimpered in pain.

He joined in and tried to help his sides too but I couldn't think of a way for us to help him without us being back home.

"We'll be home soon okay? Don't stress. Let's just rest for a bit right now?" I suggested and I could tell he was fighting the urge to want to rest.

He was on high alert but this cave was so far from where we escaped that building and hidden in the woods, I felt confident that we wouldn't be found here.

"Okay but if I hear even the slightest movement, I'm waking up and going to fight." Romeo warned me as I watched him curl up and exhale loudly.

I smiled and nuzzled into his side, letting his warm fur calm me down since his familiar scent was calming my nerves down, and I'm sure mine was doing the same for him but I doubt he'd openly admit it.

And just like that, we fell asleep together so we could take a slight nap to recharge our energy.

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