Chapter 81

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Chase's POV

"!" I heard Mimi's voice call out to me through the packs mind link and I woke up immediately.

Romeo seemed to have heard her too because he shot up as soon as I did.

"Mimi?!? Where are you?!" I asked her through the link but when I tried to go towards the entrance, Romeo stopped me by biting me gently.

I looked at him confused and tilted my head but he just shook his no as a response.

"Wait here until the link gets stronger. She isn't answering because she's too damn far." Romeo told me and I whimpered.

And I guess he was right because her voice sounded somewhat muffled through the link somehow and the connection wasn't the strongest.

Maybe that's why she didn't answer me.

"But if we try to go find her, the connection might get stronger! What if she starts going the wrong way?" I asked him and he sat down with his ears perked up.

This time he didn't answer me but closed his eyes so I got silent.

He was listening to all the noises outside of the cave, mainly to see if the coast was clear or if we were near any danger.

"If we don't get a strong connection within ten minutes, we're heading back in here. It sounds like it's going to rain sooner than we thought and looking for them in the rain can be dangerous if it's heavy, especially on land we're not familiar with." Romeo explained and I really couldn't handle how different this dude was in serious situations.

Were all of Juno's lackies like this? Or was this just him going by instinct and doing his best to protect me as a pack mate?

"Are you well enough to move? You can stay here and I can go try to find help to bring back to you." I suggested and he looked down at his side.

It looked slightly better than before but it was going to be any day now that it was going to get to the point where he couldn't move at all.

I didn't understand why it was taking so long to heal. Like yeah his ribs were pretty messed up but I've seen wolves heal from worse way quicker.

"I just don't know why they aren't healing..." I grumbled as I eyed his side.

There was only two reasons that would cause his injuries not to heal quickly but they were both so impossible that they were out of the question.

The only way his ribs would be taking this long to heal was if it was his mate who caused the injury.

Every wolf knows that if your mate hurts you physically, that injury takes forever to heal. It's like the moon goddess's way of making your mate feel guilty for hurting you.

And the only other possibility was if he was injured by an enemy of our species...a werecat.

Either option made little to no since to me since the one that injured him back at our pack was Archer wasn't it? Unless someone else inflicted the initial blow and Archer started hurting him afterwards to increase the pain...

Then there was the fact that he had a bite mark on back of his back that he refused to talk about. I didn't want to force it out of him since he seemed to get really sad and angry if he noticed me looking at it, but if the person that bit him caused those injures, wouldn't they be out here looking for him?

"I...don't know" Romeo lied to me as he avoided looking in my direction, "but I'll be fine to move. If only one of us is going, it should be me. Your heats are unstable, you're weaker than me even now, and not to mention you kinda give off the vibes you have no sense of direction."

I let out a huge audible gasp at those words and he was only half right.

"Just stay here! Your wounds will make the other wolves notice you because the damn smell of your blood. You're just lucky that the plants outside give off their own strong scent so it masks ours. But you? How are to going to hide the smell of blood? You're moving slowly because you're injured and the more you fight people the more injured you become." I ranted and now we were getting no where.

For all we knew, Mimi could've been long gone by now but we were too busy trying to figure out a plan and arguing.

"Ugh fuck it, we'll just both split up and meet back here in ten minutes if we don't get a connection." I told him as I walked over to where I left Juno's clothes.

We were both still in our wolf forms and it was safer for me to go out in this form than the other one, in case I needed to fight to protect myself.

I scooped his clothes back into my mouth and Romeo got back up and stood next to me near the entrance.

"We're close enough to still contact each other so if you're in danger say something...I don't like the idea of splitting up but the longer we take to find help, the closer the rain will be and we'll be trapped here." He explained and I nodded my head.

And hopefully we found help quickly because I was starting to get hungry from starving myself since I've been here. Being in this starved and weak condition would make it harder for me to outrun any enemies too, which is why Romeo was worried but he was just as weak if not more, than I was.

But I had a feeling at least one of us can get help by splitting up so I risked it.

We both took off through the entranceway's plants that were still blocking the way, and I went north east, and Romeo took off north west; in hopes to find someone to help us from our pack.

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