Chapter 49

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Chase's POV

I took the blank canvas I finally chose out down by the beach happily.

I brought my supplies with me along with a cute blanket for me to sit on, some snacks in one of my new tote bags I got from the market place, and some water bottles.

I planned on being out here for however long it took me to finish this painting so I came pretty prepared.

Plus if I needed to go grab something the house wasn't that far away which was a plus for me.

The sound of the waves were soothing and the air out here just smelt like the ocean. It was calming and relaxing, and so far I was the only one here.

I haven't painted anything in ages and I didn't like the idea of being hauled up inside all the time. Just because I couldn't be by other males didn't really mean to stay inside at home all the time, it just meant to keep a low profile-I coming to the beach was ok!

After I set up my blanket, snacks and everything else, I plopped down onto my blanket and kicked my shoes off.

I looked at my canvas again for the hundredth time today and decided I knew exactly what I wanted to paint.

It might be super narcissistic but I wanted to draw my wolf on the beach. I've seen my reflection enough to get the details pretty well so I was going to attempt to paint myself in my beast form.

It was going to take me awhile to mix my paints enough to get the color of my fur but I was going to worry about that after sketching everything out.

I started off by sketching out the beach shore that was in front of me. I wanted to capture what I was seeing perfectly and with how calm everything was today, this was going to be easy .

There wasn't any rain clouds or high winds that might mess me up or get in my way, so I picked the perfect time to come out to the beach to paint.

The sounds of the seagulls in the distance made a small smile form on my face as I continued sketching out the scene in front of me.

It took me about two hours to get my sketch done since I kept stressing over the littlest of details. I started over like three times, then from there I kept changing things every other minute.

But once I was finally done sketching, I wiped the sweat from my forehead and fell back onto my back.

The blanket was smooth under me but it was hot now from being out in the sun under me all day. But it beat getting sand all over hair and snacks so it wasn't that bad.

I shut my eyes as I laid back and stretched out my limbs with a low groan.

I always had terrible posture when I was painting so my back was starting to ache, but I was dedicated to finishing this painting today.

Since I got the sketch done, I just have to worry about the actual painting part now. I had a lot of shading and details I wanted to capture so this was going to be the harder part.

I've painted countless times before but this was different than my usual style. And I don't know why I wanted to draw myself here but I just did.

Once I had an idea on my mind, I'd be restless until I brought it to life. I was just hoping this was going to turn out better than the vision I had in my head.

My fur was a lighter shade of tan sometimes and the beach sand here was white so I had to put in a bit more effort to make everything blend perfectly and still balance each other out.

I opened my eyes again and winced at how bright the sun was above me.

I still had all day to finish but I didn't want to be out here til dawn so I got back to work.

"Hey are you home?" I heard Mimi's voice ask me through the packs link and I don't know why I looked around like she was near me, but I did.

"No I'm at the beach painting. Didn't you have class today?" I asked her and she responded by whistling.

If she was mind linking me, that means she was back on pack property, miles away from her classes on campus.

I smiled to myself as I began mixing my paints on my wooden palette. It was super old and I really needed to invest in another one, but it got the job done.

It was stained with tons of old paint from my previous works but I couldn't see myself parting with it even if I got another one.

"I missed you so being there wasn't the same...mind if I stop by? We can talk about everything! Like how's the mated life treating you?" She beamed eagerly.

I felt bad cause she sounded like she really missed me but talking about everything would probably make me moody right now.

"Okay fine...But it's been a lot so don't pry too much ok?" I sighed out.

If she was able to talk to me through the packs link, it meant she was already on pack territory. Our house wasn't that far from the main pack house and central market so if she was on her way, she'd be here pretty soon.

I went back to mixing my paint since she didn't say anything else with a heavy sigh.

We were progressing. Just slowly. I didn't mind too much but this just wasn't the mate experience everyone hyped it up to be.

Yeah I should be grateful I even found a mate, some wolves go their entire lives without finding's just a little difficult to understand him.

He initially rejected me since he didn't want to lose to his instincts yet here we are trying to make this work, because of said instincts.

And he was right to an extent. Yes some wolves like my parents fell for each other almost instantly after figuring out they were mates, but not all wolves have that same start.

We were enemies to lovers in our case.

Have we made love yet?


Have we marked or bonded yet?


But all that was going to come with time. Time and patience. Patience and time. They went hand and hand.

I was trying my hardest to be patient but sometimes he made it hard for me and I just made things harder for myself.

I didn't really know the real him and he didn't know the real me. We wanted to know more about each other and he actually wanted us to fall in love with each other before he marked me.

Which was fine and dandy in theory but actually doing it without going a day without butting heads seemed difficult for us right now.

But we did come to some agreements so maybe we were at the turning point in our weird roomate-mate situation?

I had no clue but just thinking about how to explain this to Mimi was starting to give me a headache.

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