Chapter 64

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Chase's POV

I felt his dick twitch in my mouth and moaned as my lips wrapped around him. I was about to rock my hips myself but I felt him pull his head back quickly.

"Ah...mi alma..." Juno hissed as I tried to take him deeper into my mouth.

I tried to deep throat him but he wasn't the average size I was used to so I gagged a bit and pulled my head back before I choked.

"Do you need to be so shamelessly big?" I asked him irritated that I couldn't do my usual thing to impress him, before pumping his dick again with both of my hands.

He chuckled at that and just remembering that Emery had his grumpy mitts on this dick before I did pissed me off.

"Can I ask you something without you getting mad?" I asked him before getting off of him.

He looked at me concerned and confused but nodded his head.

"When you...slept with both weren't in heat or rut right? After my heat is over, are you going to have sex with me too? Without being affected by my pheromones and without me being clouded by the lust my heat's bringing?" I asked him curiously as I hovered over him.

I turned around now so we were no longer in our cute little 69 session, but so we could be face to face for him to answer me.

"I'm sure I'll be fucking you well after your heats over...I just didn't want our first time do be with one of us affected this way but I won't regret marking you. In fact I'm kind of mad at myself for not doing it sooner." He replied as I crawled up his body and laid flat on top of him.

We were stomach to stomach now and I felt the heat from his dick hitting my belly button but I didn't mind it right now.

"You promise me baby?" I asked him in a coo voice lovingly and he smiled widely, showing me his white teeth.

Ugh it irritates me how hot he is. I just know other people had their eyes on him like the girls did in the classroom, but I can't lock him up away from people! I wasn't that crazy but it did cross my mind for a second when I saw that smile.

"I promise carino.. Now can I ask you something while we're taking a break from trying to suck each other dry?" He asked and I nodded eagerly.

I had no clue what he had to ask me so I was curious for sure. He wasn't usually this expressive or talkative when it came to being intimate so I wanted to know what his question was.

I couldn't read his mind until we bonded and we were talking about the same dude who knocked me on my ass just from seeing my shoulders a few days ago.

" slept with Travis...uh during your heat..." Juno started off but looked away from me as he spoke.

"Mhmm?" I said titling my head as I studied his facial expression.

Judging by where this question was going I was either going to end up pissing him off or making him happy so I had to be careful. I didn't want us to end up fighting since when Travis is brought up, that's usually the direction we head.

Nothing would suck more than him getting frustrated and walking out of this room right now and blueballing me. I was the one in heat, and he was just affected by my pheromones so he could just leave where I was to cool off unlike me.

If he pissed me off instead, I'd still be stuck in this horny state for days!

He wasn't in rut though so that was a good sign which meant so far we were doing good and he was keeping control.

"How did he fuck you?" He asked me suddenly so I raised my eyebrows.

"How did he fuck me?" I repeated his question in case I heard him wrong.

Then he had that slight red tint appearing on his face again.

I didn't really get what he meant. Like the position or something?

"I mean I'm the one that pounced on him. I was in heat during the full moon and even though we had sex a lot that night, I didn't mark him. And I was in heat for days but we only slept together one night." I told him to clarify but that didn't seem like the answer he wanted.

" did he uh act maybe?" He asked trying to get more details but he still wasn't looking at me.

"Well he was really sweet. Like he kept checking on me during it and was trying to be as gentle as possible, which was kinda hard since I was more aggressive and hornier than him. I remember when I was riding him I even got him to whimper." I told him but this time he finally looked at me.

"You rode him?" He asked like it was strange for me to do.

"Oh yeah definitely rode him the first round. You know they say save a horse and ride a cowboy and the more I think about it, didn't he kinda look like he could be a cowboy?" I rambled and he sat up, making me get up too since I was laying on top of him.

"He talked me through it a lot and called me baby during it. Is that what you wanted to know?" I asked him and even though now he had an irritated look on his face, he nodded his head since he got his answer.

"Raw?" He asked lowly and I nodded.

Wasn't any point to lying and he seemed to be asking cause he was honestly curious.

"He didn't have a condom and I don't keep those around. Well, I should now that my body is like this but at the time my uterus wasn't attached to my colon yet so it's all good." I reassured him and he let out a deep sigh.

"He told me I should treasure my body more and use condoms. Oh! And the after care was good too. For a human he exceeded my expectations." I continued and this time he covered my mouth with his hands gently.

"Okay okay...I got what I needed to know. Let's stop talking about him and go back to calming you down huh? I can feel your slick pooling again." He said trying to distract me and it worked.

I blushed at him just mentioning my ass.

"W-wait. What about you and Emery?" I asked him as he picked me up effortlessly and laid my back against the pillows I set out earlier.

"Well it wasn't anything like how you and Travis had such a sweet and intimate time. It was just a quick fuck so I could see if our bodies were compatible in case my mate never came along. I don't even really remember it as much as you remembered your time with him." He told me as he made sure I had another pillow put under my head.

"Oh..." was all I could find myself saying as I watched him intensely.

His abs were starting to shine from the sweat he had trailing down his body and his dick was still leaking precum from his tip.

"If it makes you feel better, no one's made me feel as good as you and you haven't even fucked me yet." I commented and I guess that stroked his ego because his frown flipped into a huge cocky smile.

"Oh yeah? No one's ever made you feel as good as me?" He asked cockily and I laughed.

"Yes yes, only you now hurry up and fuck me." I told him desperately since that heat in the pit of my stomach was starting to happen again.

It might've been because we took a short discussion break but my symptoms were slowly starting to come back since sucking him off only helped me a little bit.

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