Chapter 18

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Chase's POV

Without even answering me back, he just suddenly used his left hand to slam my hips down onto his cock and I almost saw stars.

He was so deep inside of me so suddenly that I felt my own dick twitch.

I moaned as he moved his right hand to the left side of my hips. Now he had one hand on each side of my hips as I rode and straddled him.

He let me take a second to get used to his shape since it's been a while since I've last had a dick inside of me and I appreciated that.

Even though I was wet, I still felt a bit of pain as he stretched me out. His cock was thick and it made me feel so full inside.

I leaned my body forward and wrapped my arms around his neck before I buried my face in the right crook of his neck.

I then inhaled his scent quietly as I lifted my hips up then back down slowly onto his dick.

I still had Jay's shirt on the bed but Travis's human scent and familiar smell of his sweet cologne seemed to calm me down just as good so I didn't really need it right now.

"I would've never thought that you'd be riding me right now. I guess dreams do come true huh? I just wish the circumstances could've been better but just let me know if I'm hurting you okay?" He asked me and I felt his voice so close to me in this position.

I nodded my head and went back to focusing all my attention on rocking my hips and bouncing my ass onto his dick.

A few minutes into me riding him, I felt him twitch inside of me and that encouraged me to ride him even harder.

My face was still buried into his neck, taking in his scent mixed with sweat and musk, as I rode him so hard my bed started shaking loudly and creaking.

"Oh fuck Chase! Slow down a bit or I'm not going to last very long." He whimpered in my ear and that got my body even hotter.

"Yeah? You gonna cum in me if I keep bouncing on you like this Trav? You wanna cum deep inside of me don't you? Or do you want me to pull it out so you can cum all over my body?" I asked him as I kept riding.

Then I pulled my face out of his neck.

I leaned my body back now, lifting up my hips myself and slamming them back down against his cock hard and quickly as I watched his once serious face start to grow greedy.

He was a whimpering mess now and was letting out low moans and groans as I worked him. I made sure he wouldn't slip out even for a second as I tried my hardest to calm my heat but please him at the same time so I wasn't the only one feeling good.

"Fuck...can I really cum inside you baby? You want me to make a mess of you that badly?" He groaned as I felt his hand grip my waist tighter.

He was starting to thrust up to meet the pace of my bouncing on top of him and I moaned at the force he was using to slam inside of me.

Each time he slid out a little bit, he would thrust back in quickly, brushing against my prostate in the process before slamming as deep as he could possibly get inside of me.

I took him in all the way to the hilt so that I had every single inch of him inside of me and my eyes rolled back as he picked his pace up.

I was moaning nonstop and I felt myself cum without warning. I felt myself clench around him as I came, which made a few curse words escape his mouth before he ended up filling me up too.

My cum splattered on his chest and he was panting loudly as he came inside of me.

I had to stop myself from bouncing against him again as I felt him continue to twitch inside of me. His cum inside of me was so hot and made me feel even fuller as he let it all out.

I definitely milked him and even though he was panting and just came, I still felt how hard he was inside of me so I knew this wasn't our last round.

After a few seconds of him catching his breath, I was soon hoisted back up by my hips but now it was my turn to get pushed down.

He was on top of me now, with this predatory look in his pretty green eyes as he stayed inside of me.

"Are you sure I'm not hurting you? Are you okay to go again?" He asked me lowly as I smiled at him.

I pulled him closer to me by his shirt collar and brought his lips to mine before I kissed him.

I found myself wrapping my arms around his neck again then my legs around his waist as he deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue into my mouth sneakily before he thrusted into me again.

I moaned into the kiss as I felt him brush against my prostrate again on purpose.

Usually I'd be touching my dick while I got fucked in the ass but my heat was making my ass feel so good, I haven't even thought about giving my dick any attention this entire time.

His tongue then entwined with mine as we kissed sloppily before he pulled back to bite gently down onto my bottom lip.

I whimpered lowly as he thrusted into me again, but this round instead of hard and fast thrusts, he was fucking me gently, slowly and steadily.

"Damn you feel so good. We just fucked and you're still tight as hell. Relax for me, I'll take good care of you baby. You're doing so so good for me. I know what they did to you was scary but I got you now." He told me and I felt bad that me and Jay lied to him but his words were so sweet.

The fact that I didn't get drugged but I was just in heat at a bad time during the full moon felt as if I really was drugged with some kind of sex crazed pill though; but Travis was helping my body calm down and he was doing a damn good job at it.

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