Chapter 47

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Chase's POV

It was the day after I argued with Juno, and I woke up earlier than usual. I didn't have much to do anyways and I promised I wouldn't be around other males without him by me, so I was basically on house arrest.

I walked downstairs, still wearing his shirt and my boxers from yesterday and froze in my tracts when I saw him sitting at the island in the kitchen.

He was looking through a journal so I crept back upstairs as quietly as I could but I'm pretty sure he sensed me. But if he did, he didn't acknowledge me or call out to me so I took the opportunity to quietly go back to my room and get ready.

I didn't want him getting the wrong idea seeing me still in his shirt so I took it off and threw it in the hamper I had in the bathroom.

I stripped down completely and took the quickest shower of my life before rushing out to get ready. I didn't know what the hurry was but I got dressed at the speed of light and did my hygiene as fast as I possibly could without fucking up my outfit.

Then I went back down the stairs as a part two and acted like it was my first time coming down this morning.

"Good morning." I said as nonchalantly as possible and he looked up from his journal and locked eyes with me.

"Oh did I wake you? I was trying to be quiet. Good morning." He replied as I finished descending the stairs and I walked into the kitchen.

"I didn't even hear you so no worries. I just woke up early for some reason...We usually don't run into each other in the mornings." I confessed as I looked away from him and focused my attention on our fridge.

I didn't know what to eat for breakfast but my stomach was starting to signal it wanted me to hurry up and choose something.

"Yeah..." Was all he said next and I didn't mind.

It wasn't like we could just pretend yesterday didn't happen and he was keeping his word by staying by my side.

Plus, I never spend my mornings with him. Maybe he just wasn't talkative in the morning?

Some people always have to be up early but that didn't mean they were "morning people."

I spotted some eggs from the nice market ladies yesterday and pulled them out happily.

The fridge was now packed with stuff so I wanted to try my hardest to eat everything before anything went bad.

To accompany my eggs, I also pulled some ham out of the fridge, along with some onions, peppers and cheese.

I decided to go with an easy breakfast and make a Denver omelette.

"Did you eat breakfast yet? Do you want me to make you an omelette too?" I asked him but he didn't answer.

When I looked away from the fridge, I looked back to see what had him so quiet suddenly but his face was buried back into his journal.

I didn't have to go to school anymore but I forgot Juno did. He was trying to get better grades this semester and improve his attendance so I hope I didn't get in the way of either of those things.

I decided to just make him one anyways just in case he didn't eat yet, and focused on cooking. I shut the fridge and started washing my hands in the kitchen sink as I started thinking.

Juno was a busy dude. He was juggling his education with his pack duties, Alpha training and now he was dealing with me as his mate too to top it all off.

He was wearing nothing but a pair of black sweatpants right now at the kitchen-island as he furrowed his brows and glared down at the journal he was holding.

He was making lines form on his forehead from how frustrated he was with whatever assignment he had to do.

I caramelized the onions and ham in a pan before stirring up the beaten eggs I put in a bowl. Then I put a pinch of salt and pepper in the bowl before whisking them again.

After that I just threw in the peppers in the pan and waited until everything looked like it was cooked to the consistency I wanted. Then I did the amazing part and sprinkled some cheese before pouring in the egg mixture to make our omelette's into omelette's.

Once they were finished, I plated them up and sat his besides him on the island with a napkin and a fork.

I guess it smelt good enough to pull him out of his thoughts because he looked up from his journal and I heard his stomach growl lightly.

I laughed lightly at that and I saw a blush creep up onto his face.

"T-Thanks. I usually don't have time to cook in the morning so I appreciate it." He said and I was surprised.

But it made sense. He looked like the busy type that just grabbed an apple or something on the way out the door.

"No problem. I can start waking up early to make you breakfast in the morning...if you want? It'll give me a reason to get up and stop sleeping in so late." I told him before walking over to the fridge to pour us both something to drink.

He didn't say anything in response so I assumed he was thinking about my offer.

Once I pulled the apple juice out, I looked over at him again, to see if he'd give me a response.

But his omelette...

It was completely gone...

"I'd like that a lot. You uh- cook very good." He said and this time he was as bright as a tomato!

"You didn't have to devour it like that. I wasn't going to take it back from you." I laughed and his redness even spread to his ears.

I poured us both some juice in seperate glasses, and brought his over to him. I was still laughing lightly but I didn't mean to make him embarrassed about how he ate it so fast.

He had Alpha's blood in him and I remember reading about how they're bodies were different than ours.

Not sure if that played a factor here but they grew faster than the normal wolves did and their appetites were clearly different too.

"Here." I told him as I placed his drink down.

I took away his empty plate and handed him my plate of food too.

He was about to protest but I put my hand up and that kept him quiet.

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