Chapter 54

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Chase's POV

I finished sniffling and splashed my face with some cold water in a nearby restroom. The restroom looked like shit in here honestly with all the trash scattered everywhere on the floor; but I felt like I looked worse.

"Are you okay now?" Juno's voice asked me as he rubbed my back gently.

His touch made those tingles go throughout my body as I kept my eyes closed tight as I rinsed off my face with the cold water.

"I am so sorry. Like honestly I'm just a mess right now dude. I can be on cloud 9 one minute then rock bottom in like a millisecond. I keep blaming the hormones but maybe it's more than that...Maybe this change is messing with me mentally worse than it should be?" I explained as I pulled my head up from the sink.

I quietly felt around for the paper towels I remembered seeing stacked along the sides as I kept my eyes shut, but I felt them move towards my hand; indicating Juno put them near me so I could locate them better.

"I...honestly just don't know what to say. I'm sorry my genetics made you go through this but should I start to get worried about leaving you alone so much if it's a mental thing? You'll have a phone after today sure but I can't jump through the phone if something happens or if you need me to be by you when you cry." Juno explained to me and I sighed into the paper towel as I placed it on my face.

It was definitely going to make me break out...paper towels usually did when I used them on my face, especially rough and cheap ones like these, but I'll worry about that later.

"I can't make you stop your life to worry about me. I'm sure I'll be fine once I get this stuff sorted out." I told him truthfully as I reopened my eyes.

But the look he gave me told me that he wasn't buying it.

"Yeah ok." He said sarcastically before crossing his arms over his chest.

We stayed there in silence for a little bit as I attempted to fix up my appearance.

I was staring at myself hard in the mirror just upset because it wasn't like me to look this shitty in public.

Before we left the house, I picked out a simple and cute date outfit (still pissed at Mimi for taking my briefs might I add) and now all that effort to look good was ruined.

My eyes were still red and looked irritated from me using that cheap ass paper towel and I just know I looked like a boogie next to Juno. He was tall and attractive so everyone stares at him naturally!

Then they'll look next to him and see my bum ass. Ugh just thinking about that is starting to irritate me.

I don't want people to think he's out of my league or too good for me! I want them to look at us and just see a cute couple!

"Ugh I'm fucking pissed." I mumbled to myself as I started looking around my body through the mirror to see any more imperfections.

"Damn I'm sorry." Juno finally spoke up.

I watched him as he uncrossed his arms and rubbed the back of his neck sadly in the corner of the mirror.

"I swear it's not with you baby, I just look so bad right now. It's throwing off my mood." I said and immediately opened my eyes wide when I realized.

I've never called him baby before.

It just slipped out naturally since it's something I've always called my ex's and I was just too distracted looking at myself.

"Oh my fucking shit! I am so sorry! My bad! I just wasn't thinking and I was too into my appearance and my reflection!" I rambled as I tore my eyes away from the mirror and turned to face him.

I expected him to have a bit of discomfort on his face or feel some type of way about it, but to my surprise he had a slight blush starting to spread from his cheeks to his ears.

It reminded me of that time I saw him embarrassed by eating his food too quickly in front of me.

"No uh. It's fine. I don't mind it." He replied and now he turned away from me, in attempt to hide his blushing.

He was still trying to do the cool guy act that I've seen him do in front of his friends and that made me laugh.

When he was finally cooled off and not red anymore, he turned back around and walked right up to me.

I stared up at him, waiting for him to say something but he just looked into my green eyes seriously with his blue ones before gently placing his big hands on each of my shoulders.

"You do not look bad at all. And you don't have to worry about everything going on with your changes alone. I'm here with you so we can split your worrying amongst ourselves and you can help me with my worrying I don't...hate nicknames and stuff so you can me baby if it makes you feel more comfortable..." Juno confessed to me and my eyes widened again.

I felt like that was huge! I can call him baby?! He seemed like the type of dude to hate being called baby specifically!

"You mean it? Like all of it? You'll worry with me? I don't look like shit? And I can call you baby? You don't think it's a bit too demasculating?" I asked him fast in the same serious tone he was using.

I placed my hands on his shoulders too to add the dramatic affect, causing him to laugh and nod his head yes.

Don't get me wrong I was all for calling him baby and other cute couple names but BABY?!?

I just didn't want him to get made fun of by his friends or get in trouble if his parents overheard me calling him that.

"Because I'm all for calling you dude or just calling you something else if it's not gonna embarrass you in front of others." I admitted and he cocked his eyebrow at me.

"If my mate calls me dude I think I'd have to rethink all my life choices." He smirked before removing his hands from my shoulders.

The feeling of our sparks faded but he returned them by grabbing my left hand and looking towards the door.

"Are you ready to go back and get your phone?" He asked me gently and I nodded my head happily.

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