Chapter 57

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Chase's POV

"You ready?" Juno asked me while we stood in front of the door to his father's office.

I was prepared to meet his father so we could tell him about me, but at the same time just knowing he was the Alpha made me kinda nervous.

I could smell his scent all over this side of the pack house and it was really intimidating. I've never met him before since I never got in trouble or needed to, so this was my first time actually meeting the man.

I've seen his mother, our Luna, way more times since she has a tendency to roam around the woods. And I say "way more times" but I've probably actually only seen her about a handful of times in my life.

"Yeah totally." I breathed out and Juno took that as a sign to finally knock on the huge black door in front of us.

"Come in." I heard his father's voice boom and I kid you not, I started trembling right then and there.

"Hey hey, you're ok. I'm right here." Juno reassured me, holding his arm out and I immediately took it.

I handed him my bags and wrapped my arms around him super quickly. Clinging to his side like a baby sloth seemed to calm my nerves down just like when I smelt his scent.

Maybe it was the physical contact?

I don't know but he seemed to like it too. The little electric shocks we felt as mates sparked throughout my body again and I was slowly starting to get used to the feeling.

Juno twisted open the door and I gulped down the saliva that was forming in my mouth.

We walked in and Juno closed the door behind us as I looked at the Alpha, his father.

The man was a total hottie but the scars he had made him come off as a bit more intimidating than they probably should've. He had them all over his arms that were exposed since his sleeves were rolled up; and one that was right across his face!

The one on his face looked like it hurt when he got injured there since it spread across from the bottom of his left eye, passed across his nose, and ended under his right eye.

Literally was a straight slash across his face that I almost missed since the frames on his glasses kind of hid it and his face was down.

But once we entered, he looked up from the paperwork he was studying over and took off his glasses.

I thought he'd look at his son or greet him first, but his eyes darted to me immediately.

"Have a seat." The Alpha commanded and I unlinked my arms from around Juno so that we could both take seats in the chairs directly across his father's desk.

Once we were sitting down, I tried my hardest not to let my leg start bouncing nervously. The Alpha was clearly studying me because he was looking all over my body!

It felt like I was being targeted by a hungry lion or a bear because this pressure was so intense. I don't think he meant it and even if he didn't want to, his pheromones were filling this room up and his aura was super scary.

My body changed from being a regular pack wolf, to being an omega in this pack; and one thing I learned that was different, was scents.

I could pick up on scents and other wolves pheromones way easier now and what they meant. So right now, his pheromones weren't really angry but he was just very authoritative and dominant in general.

I don't know how the other omegas here can talk to him or even be in the same room without freaking out.

"So this is him? You pulled him out of school already correct?" The Alpha asked his son without looking away from me.

Fuck this was nerve wrecking. Meeting your partner's parents was already stressful but him being one of the Alpha's son's made it even worse.

And I didn't want to fuck this up by saying something I shouldn't say so I just stayed quiet. If he asked me something I'll answer but other than that, my lips are sealed for once.

"Yes sir. He's been out since we moved in together. I know the semester just started and I wanted to tell you I met my mate as soon as possible...but I couldn't really find the time." Juno explained to his father but he was still staring at me.

I laughed nervously and his gaze finally left me, so I let out a small sigh of relief.

"This is your mate and you took this long to tell me? Does your mother know?" His dad glared at him and I swallowed lump forming in my throat.

For first impressions he was definitely the way I expected and envisioned Alpha's would be. But he was incredibly intense.

I couldn't see Juno or Julio becoming an Alpha with the same personality as their father but maybe the stress from this job forced him to be this way?

You can't be too nice or wolves will take advantage of you or see you as unfit for leading. But if you're too mean, no one would want to follow your lead.

And I wouldn't call him mean, he just seemed stressed and strict?

Like he hasn't said anything rude and he sounded more hurt than upset that Juno took so long to bring me over here to meet him.

"I mean the day I found out wasn't really the greatest memory we had between us, then after I took back my rejection, I tried to tell you but you left. You went off pack grounds to go visit another pack so then I had to wait for you to come back and some more stuff happened..." Juno rambled and I looked over at him.

He looked like he regretted waiting too. I could tell they're kinda bad with communicating with each other and I couldn't relate to that sadly.

I was super close to my parents so watching them interact felt like I wasn't really watching a son and father conversation.

"Julio's the only one that knows and his buddy Jay...And my boys know too so sorry." Juno apologized and his father's eyes widened.

"I see." Was all his dad said before glancing back over to me.

"I don't know what you both went through, and I don't approve that there was a rejection involved in this ordeal in the first place..." His father told me in his deep tone and I immediately sat up straight.

"But I welcome you to the family nonetheless. If you ever need anything, don't be a stranger and feel free to come ask me. I don't bite. And you don't have to be so stiff, you can relax." The Alpha informed me before he went back to looking down at the paperwork in front of him.

I smiled at his approval and my inner wolf felt super proud that my mate's dad, the entire packs Alpha, was okay with our relationship!

I mean any parent would want them to find their mates and live a good loving life but it still felt nice for the reassurance.

"T-Thank you sir!" I said louder than I intended to and that caused a smile to crack on his stoic face.

"Sure thing." He replied and I smiled widely over at Juno who was shocked at his father's expression.

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